2011 Christmas Mini Prompt Fest - Rules & Information

Oct 16, 2011 22:09

Surprise, surprise!

It's been a while, hasn't it? Yeah. Today I spontaneously decided to run a fest, so I hope you're interested in a little emoness ;)


What does "emo" mean?

All fics and artworks must have "emo" elements in them. What does that mean? Simple. Someone has to cry, be depressed, go through a rough time in their life, cheat on their partner, die, deal with loss, or do something else that is intensely emo and causes your reader to shiver and burst into spontaneous tears. Whatever sadness you come up with, we want it! :) Make us shudder with our beloved characters.

The majority of your fic should be angsty or sad, but that doesn't mean that we don't appreciate happy endings. On the contrary - both sad and happy endings are more than welcome. Or maybe your fic isn't all that sad to begin with but you want to surprise us with a particularly sad and nasty ending? Whatever it is you feel inspired to do, we want to see it - but take your fluffy, happy prompts somewhere else. This is all about the emo! ;)

What kind of fest is this?

A low-stress mini prompt fest. What is that, you ask? Well. We were going to do a big Christmas exchange but that didn't quite work out, so we decided to give you a chance to get your emo fix in a smaller fest.

But what does that mean?

All right, all right. Basically:

+ Fics should be between 100 and 2000 words. You have a month to work on your fic, so there's no need for you to write an epic novel-length story. But if you do find the time to write a longer fic? No problem!
+ Art can be anything between a simple sketch and a masterpiece.
+ The fics will be posted between December 1st and December 23rd, with the reveals going up on December 24th. We may start posting later, if we get less than 23 fics :)

What is allowed?

Everything. Het, slash, femmeslash, gen, and every kink.

Prompt Submission

+ A prompt can be anything; a kink, a word, a song, a video, a picture, a scenario - anything!
+ You don't have to claim a prompt if you'd like to submit one.
+ Everyone can submit as many prompts as they like.

Prompt Claiming

+ You don't have to submit a prompt to claim one.
+ You can claim as many prompts as you want - BUT you need to finish your first fic/art before claiming a second prompt.
+ Prompt claiming will be open until 5 days before the deadline.

Info for Authors

+ Your fic should be between 100 and 2000 words, but the upper word limit can definitely be overstepped.
+ All drabbles and fics must be beta-read. If you don't have or can't find a beta, wait for the beta post we'll make when claiming is over or visit hp_betas
+ Fics should contain all necessary HTML codes, such as bold and italics. If you're having problems with this, contact hp.emofest@gmail.com
+ Fics should be submitted in a .doc, .docx or .rtf file and sent as an attachment to hp.emofest@gmail.com
+ Title your document: Username - Prompt #
+ Please use the following header:

Author: Anonymous ()
Word Count:

Info for Artists

+ Your artwork can be anything from a simple sketch to a coloured drawing.
+ Your artwork can be a simple drawing or a comic, traditional or digital, and be accompanied by a drabble. Be creative! No photomanipulations or stick figures, though.
+ Art should be submitted in a .jpg, .png or .gif file and sent to hp.emofest@gmail.com as an attachment.
+ Title your file: Username - Prompt #
+ Please use the following header:

Artist: Anonymous ()

Other important information

+ Our email address is hp.emofest@gmail.com - it is not the same one as the years before, so if you have us in your address book, make sure to change it.
+ Dropping out isn't as dramatic as it might be in other fests, but please try to only claim a prompt if you know you can complete it, since other people may want that prompt, too :)
+ Communicate! If you're dropping out, let us know!

The Timeline

Prompt Submission: October 17 - October 22
Prompt List: October 23
Prompt Claiming: October 24 - November 25
Writing Period: November 1 - November 30
Deadline: November 30
Posting Begins: December 1
Reveals: December 24

Pimping Banners


Any questions? Ask away! :)


!winter2011, !rules, !round5

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