
Jul 28, 2011 18:58

I've been dipping my toes in a few new fandoms recently, and I just wanted to put up a little post about me because I've been friending a few people in those fandoms as well. I wanted to have something here other than my (very few) posts in case anyone was like "who the hell is this person ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

Cupcake Avalanche wordwitch February 19 2012, 16:44:35 UTC

Please let me know when this is ready.

Thank you.




howarethosenuts February 19 2012, 18:12:36 UTC
It's in progress :) Currently we have a mountain, cupcakes rolling down it, and a pig that eats them. You would think that would be pretty far along, but alas it will probably be several more months because of a severe lack of free time in which to work on it. I'll definitely do everything I can to get the word out when it's done though!


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