Jul 28, 2011 18:58
I've been dipping my toes in a few new fandoms recently, and I just wanted to put up a little post about me because I've been friending a few people in those fandoms as well. I wanted to have something here other than my (very few) posts in case anyone was like "who the hell is this person?"
This is essentially a fandom journal for me. I have been on livejournal for about ten years now, and before this I had an everything journal, but when RL and fandom stuff started getting crossed together I got a little jumpy and decided to permanently delete the old one and start over fresh and anonymous. Basics about me: female, mid 20s, painfully shy even on the Internet and rather quiet, but friendly none the less. As you can see I post very rarely, preferring mostly to leave comments on what other people are posting about.
So, if I've friended you I'd love a friend back, but don't feel obligated. I'll be here lurking around, looking for well written fic and gorgeous people to dream about from afar.
Now I'm gonna go hide again and read some band of brothers fic because OMG why did I wait so long to watch this show? I read the Stephen Ambrose books in high school, what was I thinking waiting so long to see the show?
Also, I post most frequently from an iPad, so here's a preemptive "damn you autocorrect!"