Jul 15, 2010 00:04
- 21:10 RT @ADivaWithAFork Mangia Italian Bistro in Orlando
Fresh ingredients, homemade sauces and breads, great service...will return again! #fb # - 21:52 Currently contemplating a separate twitter account for work-related things (non musical). Seems superfluous to me. #
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Jul 12, 2010 00:02
- 09:36 Chopped onions in bechamel? How is it that I didn't go to culinary school and know that's wrong, but that sauce comes from a trained chef? #
- 11:31 @ sshawnn It's a classic french mother sauce, made with roux (equal parts flour and butter), milk. Cooked with whole onion in it not chopped! #
- 23:45 @ johncmayer listening to continuum on vinyl
( Read more... )
Jul 10, 2010 00:02
- 22:20 If someone could just put me out of my misery, that'd be fantastic. #
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Jul 07, 2010 00:00
- 08:15 Woke up feeling 100% like shit. The biggest downside to my job is not being able to call out sick. Which, today, I would. #
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Jul 06, 2010 00:00
- 15:45 Empty bedroom is officially now my home studio. Need some audio (as in...speakers!) and a few things from my parent's garage and it's set!! #
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Jul 05, 2010 00:00
- 17:05 I've decided: I'm going solo again. This time more electronic. Collaborators welcome! More info plus music later. #
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Jun 28, 2010 00:02
- 17:24 Craving nicotine, caffeine and some melancholy music. #
- 23:31 I am crawling out of my skin today. Don't know why. Just wish, for once, when I'm not alone I could do something I want. Imagine that. #
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