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Comments 15

angus_honey May 20 2008, 15:51:45 UTC
Well.....I've seen it now...managed to get home from work early and both my mails and my d/l worked. So excited by the event...I automatically deleted all the mails I didn't recognise and if you had sent the link I've thrown it away and I'm v.sorry ( ... )


housepiglet May 20 2008, 16:37:52 UTC
I'll certainly send it again. Just make the cheque out to:

Wee Piglet
The Jewel-Encrusted Sty

I'm sure I'll catch up with it :)

I totally agree re: HL's amazing acting skilz. He just gets better and better! I also agree re: some bits of RSL's perf'ce being just a little cheesy last night. I think that's why the sense of House's anguish came over to me more clearly than Wilson's, despite the fact that it was meant to be largely about Wilson's tragedy.

Connected to that, perhaps, is the way this Wilson loves Amber 4evar and evar was sprung on us so quickly. I suppose it was due to the writers' strike, but it seemed like a bit of a rush job to me. I wasn't totally convinced by it. I can see him being upset, but utterly devastated? No, I can't quite get my wee snout around that ( ... )


topaz_eyes May 20 2008, 16:52:46 UTC
Connected to that, perhaps, is the way this Wilson loves Amber 4evar and evar was sprung on us so quickly. I suppose it was due to the writers' strike, but it seemed like a bit of a rush job to me.

I felt that too. Like you, I had a hard time accepting it. (And yes it probably was a rush job b/c they needed something to end the season. And really, what better way than with this bang?)


housepiglet May 20 2008, 17:04:54 UTC
And really, what better way than with this bang?)

Certainly it was a bang and half :) I'm sorry for the loss of Amber, but certainly it clears the ground for House to decide where he goes next.


topaz_eyes May 20 2008, 16:50:10 UTC
Oh word word WORD. Such a huge turning point for House. And as heart-wrenching as it was, I'm glad this was the season finale. Because everything hinges on what House decides to do from now on.


housepiglet May 20 2008, 17:03:43 UTC
And as heart-wrenching as it was, I'm glad this was the season finale.

Yes, me too. I feel I need some time to recover from it. What a great couple of episodes they were :)


tourmaline1973 May 20 2008, 17:13:35 UTC
As a best ever season finale this ep only has one competitor: the final ep of Blackadder Goes Forth. I was just stunned and amazed, such an incredible ep. It did feel like it was a very simple storyline - woman is sick, doc tries to help, doc finds he can't help, her man gets to say goodbye - but done in about a trillion colours.

The wonderful thing about this show when it's at its best is that Hugh Laurie isn't the only one with stupendously immense talent - think back to all the film appearances where he's brilliant but everyone else, plus the script, is miles below his level.

And if that's not a Best Supporting Actor Emmy/Golden Globe/SAG Award for RSL, then I don't know what is.


housepiglet May 21 2008, 01:28:25 UTC
Somehow I missed Blackadder completely. From time to time I think of getting hold of it for the Hughness :)

It did feel like it was a very simple storyline - woman is sick, doc tries to help, doc finds he can't help, her man gets to say goodbye - but done in about a trillion colours.

Absolutely, and what a lovely way to describe it (i.e. a simple story "done in a trillion colours") :)

Tbh, I felt that RSL was facing a bit of an uphill task to try to be totally convincing, bearing in mind that he and Amber have only been going out for a month or two (well, as far as I can see). In my mind I couldn't quite marry up the huge outpouring of grief with what little we've seen of their relationship. I still think there's a lot of scope for the writers to offer him something he can really pour his talents into. I certainly hope he does get an award, though. Any idea when the nominations come out?


angus_honey May 20 2008, 17:39:11 UTC
Mmmmmm....I've absorbed a bit more of the epi and now have a query. It may be me.....no...it probably is me!

H says he saw someone dying and we spend an entire epi before we establish that it was A. But, in the remembered memories with the probe in his 'ed...he intimates that he knew she was dying when she took the tabs....before the crash....hold on I might be answering my own question here....! Did he realise after the crash that what he'd seen before the crash would kill her....and yet he wasn't to know that her injuries would induce the death sentence....was he....did he....will he....won't he...

Confused from Tunbridge Wells......errrr Sutton Coldfield.....


housepiglet May 20 2008, 18:30:14 UTC
he intimates that he knew she was dying when she took the tabs....before the crash....Are you sure? My take was that when we saw House in the bar and then on the bus with Amber, some of the things we saw had actually happened (e.g. House insisting on extra drinks, getting on the bus without Amber) and others took the form of a commentary that he was adding later for Wilson's benefit, during the head thingy procedure ( ... )


genagirl May 20 2008, 18:47:19 UTC
I have to agree with your idea there about "The Wilson Show". It's a very valid reason not to have as much Wilson/RSL as the fans want. And I'm totally with you in the hope that they don't zip forward. I am keeping my fingers crossed that since they are already filming the next season they're going to pick up from that point and run with it. Poor House, whatever drove him to the bar and then calling Wilson when he should have remembered Wilson was working.....I really think, as terrible as that is, that Wilson will see it was an accident and that House did all he did for Wilson, just because he wants him happy. He wants to change and he wants to change because of Wilson and his feelings for him. On the other hand, as much as I like LE and the neat vibe she has when fighting and flirting with House, her Florence Nightengale act left me COLD. I can't buy into it. I mean she's sexy and can hold her own verbally but House walks over her like lino and to see her all pale and worried (when that's Wilson's role) bothered me.


housepiglet May 20 2008, 19:06:54 UTC
I am keeping my fingers crossed that since they are already filming the next season they're going to pick up from that point and run with it.

Ahaaa, good point. I hope you're right.

On the other hand, as much as I like LE and the neat vibe she has when fighting and flirting with House, her Florence Nightengale act left me COLD. I can't buy into it. I mean she's sexy and can hold her own verbally but House walks over her like lino and to see her all pale and worried (when that's Wilson's role) bothered me.I like the fighty/flirty vibe they have too. What I found so heart-rending about House lying there with his hand in Cuddy's, though, was not the thought of her being a comfort to him (I totally agree it should be Wilson's role) but the fact that he was so utterly prostrated by what had happened that he allowed it to happen. I mean, our feisty House seeking overt physical comfort like that from *anyone*? It's barely credible, and the clearest possible illustration of how devastated he felt about what he'd accidentally done to Wilson ( ... )


genagirl May 20 2008, 23:10:14 UTC
It's always about H/W in the end! At least in our little world, eh?


housepiglet May 20 2008, 23:22:09 UTC
And quite right too!

(There's another world, then???)


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