Hope (2/?)

Aug 04, 2009 20:54

Title: Hope (2/?)
Fandom, Pairing: Torchwood, Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG (for now ;D)
Genre: Angst, Drama, Romance
Disclaimer: Not mine. If they were... well series 3 would have been very different
Warnings: Spoilers for all series's i think. Especially Children Of Earth.
Short Summary: a young girl, a long way from home, could be the answer to everything. If only they had the strength to hope.
Notes:Okay, sorry for the shortness of my chapters. Honestly, they get longer lol. xx Really part 1 + 2 could have been in the same chapter. Ah well. lol

Part 1

When Martha Jones entered the Torchwood Hub, Gwen felt herself relax, if only slightly. Martha was great. She was someone from the old days. Someone who remembered all the people Gwen had lost; Owen and Tosh, Ianto and Jack, someone to share the responsibility, someone to let Gwen know that she’s not alone. Obviously she had Chris as well, but he was little more that a child, only nineteen years old. She’d thanked her lucky stars the day Martha called her up, asking about Torchwood. She was smart and efficient, not to mention an excellent doctor.

“What have we got then?” Martha asked, pulling up a chair at Chris’ work station.

“Alien spaceship, we think. It’s sending out distress calls.” Gwen replied, grabbing another chair.

“Fallen through the Rift?”

“No, we traced the energy trail, it’s come from somewhere far off. Can’t tell where, our satellites and sensors don’t reach far enough,” Gwen peered over Chris’ shoulder, studying his work, “Any idea when and where it’s going to land?”

“Yeah, I think so. Thank god. If this is right, it’s headed for a load of farmland just north of the M4.”


“In about three hours. Not sure though, could be less.”

Martha stood up, taking charge. She could always tell if Gwen was having a bad day. “Right, patch the co-ordinates through to the SUV,” Chris nodded, “We need to be there as soon as possible, just in case,”

“Done,” Chris announced, “Want me to stay here, keep an eye on the ship and let you know how long you’ve got?”

“Yeah okay,” Gwen said, gathering her bag and tossing a gun to Martha, “Just-” She was cut off by a loud alarm, and warning signs flashing on the monitors, “Christ, what was that?”

Chris frowned and tapped at his keyboard for a moment. The warnings disappeared and where replaced by a diagram of the atmosphere. The ship they had discovered was not alone. “Shit.”

“Another one,” Martha exclaimed, “The beginnings of a fleet maybe?”

Chris shook his head “The dimensions are too different. Either it’s one hell of a coincidence, or it’s a chase.”

Gwen bit her lip “If it’s a chase, then it could turn into a fight, with us in the middle. How far behind is the other ship?”

“Not far, only about half an hour. But it might catch up.”

“Right, well I want all of us there, just in case it gets ugly and we need to control the situation.” Chris nodded, unplugging a hand held device from his monitor.

“I can track the ships from this, but not as accurately. It’ll have to do.”

“Right then, let’s go,” Martha smiled at Gwen as they armed themselves and headed outside.


comstructive critisim welcome xx
Part 3 Here

fanfiction, series 4, gwen cooper, martha jones, idea, torchwood, hope, jack/ianto

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