FIC: Auto Erection (Steve/Danny)

Feb 11, 2011 09:03

Title: Auto Erection
Summary: Danny's phone is trying to tell him something.
Pairing: Steve/Danny
Rating/content: R for graphic sexual language, crack
Word count: 200
A/N: Written for Week 4 of sd_ldws. I won again this week, yay! The prompt was "a jammed printer" and the category was "Text, IM, Phone, or Email." I wanted to expand this into a longer fic ( Read more... )

fic: steve/danny, fic: h50, fic

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Comments 96

ariadnes_string February 11 2011, 16:09:20 UTC
ROTFL! Poor Danny--those iphones are a blessing and a curse :)


hotel_window February 22 2011, 14:33:28 UTC
Hee, thanks! I recently got an android phone and they aren't as bad as the iPhones, but it's still given me some ridiculous errors.


nova33 February 11 2011, 23:15:59 UTC
I still really, really love this. They fit Danny so well!


hotel_window February 22 2011, 14:33:53 UTC
Poor Danny. Technology hates him!


bi_nocturnal_g February 23 2011, 19:13:04 UTC
A poor Danny I feel your pain.
This was wonderful.


hotel_window February 23 2011, 19:47:57 UTC
Thank you! :D


fuflowers February 23 2011, 19:19:07 UTC
OMG so funny!
Maybe it's not the phone, Danny, maybe it's those goofy thumbs of yours...or, like Kono said, maybe your phone is trying to tell you something.

These are hysterical! Just what I needed before a horrible day at work!!


hotel_window February 23 2011, 19:55:51 UTC
Hee! Actually, in my head, Kono changed the auto correct function without telling him, just to mess with his head. :p

Thanks so much! I hope your day gets better.


casness February 23 2011, 19:20:11 UTC
~falls laughing~ thank god I put down my drink before reading this. Phones are evil with correcting stuff.


hotel_window February 23 2011, 19:56:35 UTC
They totally are! My phone isn't as bad as Danny's but it makes the craziest suggestions sometimes.


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