FIC: Auto Erection (Steve/Danny)

Feb 11, 2011 09:03

Title: Auto Erection
Summary: Danny's phone is trying to tell him something.
Pairing: Steve/Danny
Rating/content: R for graphic sexual language, crack
Word count: 200
A/N: Written for Week 4 of sd_ldws. I won again this week, yay! The prompt was "a jammed printer" and the category was "Text, IM, Phone, or Email." I wanted to expand this into a longer fic but alas, I am lazy. Inspired by my own adventures in autocorrect, with errors shamelessly stolen from friends and the poor traumatized people at damnyouautocorrect. Thanks to C for her help with this one!

Auto Erection

Kono: Are you already at HQ?
Danny: Yeah in Steve's office. I've been aroused all morning.
Kono: TMI, brah.
Danny: No! I meant AROUND all morning. The phone autocorrected it.
Kono: Uh huh.

Chin: I've got the ME's report. Want me to call you?
Danny: Fill me in when you get here. I'm expecting anal from Steve.
Danny: A CALL. I'm expecting A CALL from Steve.
Chin: Have fun.

Kono: Don't forget to bring the list.
Danny: I'm trying but the sprinter is jammed.
Danny: splinter
Danny: PRINTER. Oh my god I hate this phone so much.
Kono: Write it down?
Danny: Yeah hold on. I left my penis in Steve's orifice.
Kono: I think your phone's trying to tell you something.

Danny: On my way to get her, sorry I'm late. Had to stay late in case Steve needed head.
Danny: HELP. I meant HELP.
Rachel: What?

Steve: You ok?
Danny: Yeah just...a crappy day.
Steve: What happened?
Danny. Nothing, my phone hates me. Also, I think I'm getting sick. I've been blowing my boss all day.
Steve: I actually prefer to think of us as partners.
Danny: I'm gonna run this thing over with my car.

fic: steve/danny, fic: h50, fic

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