This month's been pretty quiet, hasn't it? Like the deities decided to give us a break. Fun little curses instead of giant, evil apocalyptic curses. I like that. And there was a lot of complaining yesterday, but that one wasn't bad at all. I mean, I was just about blinded by the sun sparkling off of my arm when I opened the blinds, but other than that...
Oh! Someone's been leaving presents at the door, which is really sweet, but I'd be great if you'd fess up to it so I can thank you. Check this out.
[The audio feed switches to video. Penny turns the device around to give the network a nice shot of her
new jacket. It's too hot to wear it, but it's so cute.]
Isn't it adorable? It's in one of my favorite colors and everything, and the tags say 'cruelty free.' I don't know what it's made of, but it's really, really soft. Not plasticy and sticky like a lot of pleather. Thank you, sneaky gift-leaving person! I love it.
[Feed switches back to audio.]
There was a crane in the mailbox, too. Not a--you know, not a real one, because that would be awful. One of those paper cranes. Thanks for that, too, whoever left it!
It's going to be a good month, I think.
Raiden -- How're you settling in? Do you need anything?
Hanna -- Are you okay for puppy formula? I need to run to the store. I can pick some up if you want.
Sorrow -- Haven't heard from you for a while. How're you doing?
Curt -- I was totally serious about you not setting yourself on fire.
Raikov -- Can I talk to you sometime? I'm willing to bribe you with cookies and vodka.
Rosella -- Thanks for letting me draw you!
Here's how the sketches turned out. I'm kind of rusty, so sorry for anything unflattering. Next time I'll draw with... not pens and marker. Pencil. Something erasable.
[ooc: Text link IC. Jacket is evil--more on that later!]