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Comments 40

danadanger December 8 2008, 18:05:59 UTC
those jellyfish pics are crazy beautiful.


hooveraardvark December 8 2008, 18:14:27 UTC
thank you! those are definitely my favorite pictures.


(The comment has been removed)

hooveraardvark December 8 2008, 18:33:31 UTC
it was pretty good, especially for two people who don't cook that much.


Correction swilkesse December 8 2008, 18:56:22 UTC
Ignore my last comment on your previous post. It appears from your pictures that you did not actually destroy the wishbone. Carry on.

That pirate owes you a fortune. Right now, he's sitting in his little glass box, silently contemplating your future, as you are now 3,000 miles away. How frustrating. Maybe the machine ran out of paper?


Re: Correction hooveraardvark December 8 2008, 18:58:00 UTC
the turkey had wires in it, so flattening was impossible. i thought all turkeys had wires inside, so i do not know how ny times man flattened his.

fucking pirate. he's gloating in his stupid glass box even as i write this comment.


noodz December 8 2008, 18:58:39 UTC
I love the jellyfish photos!


hooveraardvark December 8 2008, 19:00:20 UTC
thanks! i love jellyfish, it's so amazing that they're alive despite being pretty much no more than a membrane.


dyskodyke December 8 2008, 19:23:56 UTC
I love all the pictures! OMG! I miss the ocean so much. And tide pools! And the aquarium. The embryonic and baby rays are AMAZING. (I am really obsessed with sharks and rays.) Most rays are pretty gentle and will only sting if threatened/frightened, but still, I've never seen a non-touch tank that was open so that you COULD stick yr hand in if you wanted. Is that the aquarium with the huge outdoor touch tank that has sharks in it and stuff? I remember seeing something like that on TV (and I'm pretty sure it was in CA) and I so want to go.

I'm sorry, marine life makes me all silly and rambly.


hooveraardvark December 8 2008, 19:27:20 UTC
yay, another ocean lover! i grew up right by the washington coast, and i miss it a great deal. i used to be 20 minutes from the beach!

the tank was open because it had an island in the middle with birds? it also had a fairly prominent sign that said "don't touch". i dunno. it wasn't the giant shark tank (thank god).

you should totally go to the monterey bay aquarium if you get a chance. it was expensive ($25 admission) but totally worth the money. i love the baltimore national aquarium, but this one was better.


dyskodyke December 8 2008, 19:36:51 UTC
Yeah, I grew up about an hour away from Cape Cod, and we used to go every summer. I could srsly spend forever walking the beach.

I haven't been to an aquarium in so long, so I'm thinking about forking over the $20 to do the New England Aquarium in Boston when I go visit my folks for Christmas. Last time I was there, their touch tank was pretty lame (it was just like starfish and maybe some hermit crabs?) but the rest is cool.

Monterey Bay is now on my list! I also want to do that aquarium in Georgia that has a WHALE SHARK. And they might be the one that has the tank of baby zebra sharks, too? I dunno. Of course my ultimate fantasy is to swim with whale and zebra sharks, but I think the only place I could swim with BOTH (and also giant manta rays) is Australia, so that might be awhile. I've gone swimming with southern stingrays and it was soooooooo awesome.


hooveraardvark December 8 2008, 19:44:10 UTC
we couldn't get near most of the touch tanks (too many kids) but i did get to hold one of those spiky crabs.


the baltimore one has those polka dotted rays, which i love. and dolphins. i've been to the shedd aquarium in chicago - i remember someone telling me that they sometimes have dances there (????), like frat party dances??? and the guys always get drunk and then try to dump alcohol in the dolphin tank/get in the tank to swim with the dolphins. i cannot quite believe this story is true, but human nature being what it is . . .

i'd love to go to australia, but the flight time scares me (long flights make me physically ill by aggravating my lupus/fibro). it would probably be worth it though!


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