[admin/mod post] directory of off-comm awesomeness!

Feb 01, 2010 12:13

I was thinking that it would be cool if we could leave links to any off-comm awesomeness in this post for other members to browse on a rainy day. This fandom is so huge, and I know I personally love going through others' rec lists, etc. and discovering new, yummy fic. So, yeah. You can leave the links to any comms/archives/sites of interest, rec ( Read more... )

.directory (off-comm awesomeness), .challenge masterlist, .challenge info/rules, !recs, !!mod post, *fun stuff, .comment meme

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Comments 11

annefenwick February 1 2010, 17:30:10 UTC
oh, i'm so happy there are hurt!dean fans :)



annefenwick February 1 2010, 17:39:57 UTC
ooh, and if i've saved fics to my delicious that i haven't sent love notes to the author for, i am truly very sorry. i try to be good about always leaving commentary, but at the end of the day when i'm a crabby, awful human being, i sometimes just don't feel worthy of leaving messages for all these amazing writers! i never know quite what to say to convey the awe and feelings in the right manner. which is silly, and selfish to be so self conscious about, but...i feel like i've made great strides in de-lurking, and promise to continue to do better :) it's truly incredible that so many lovely people are choosing to share their genius with us! woo spn fandom WOOO WOOO!!!


kai_pon February 1 2010, 18:12:48 UTC

blackbetrayal February 1 2010, 20:21:47 UTC
Woho, some more evil girls, who like seeing Dean hurt. Oh god, that sounds really... evil. xD Reserved seats in special fangirl hell for all of us. ^___^

Anyway, I made a rec-list. :) --> hurt!Dean recs


marlowe78 February 2 2010, 09:43:06 UTC
My delicious. Basically Dean-centric, only 2 J2 (is that a warning???). Have fun with it, it's a steady WIP ;-)


aelijah85 February 4 2010, 04:23:25 UTC
Tagged accordingly for your easy viewing pleasure!


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