I was thinking that it would be cool if we could leave links to any off-comm awesomeness in this post for other members to browse on a rainy day. This fandom is so huge, and I know I personally love going through others' rec lists, etc. and discovering new, yummy fic. So, yeah. You can leave the links to any comms/archives/sites of interest, rec posts, delicious accounts, LJ memories, comment-fic & art memes, challenges, whatever! you wish to share in this post - as long as at least a bit of Dean-focused hurt/comfort is included, please! Then, I'll add them to the masterlist.
Fyi, this post will remain open indefinitely, and the masterlist will be updated as frequently as possible.
banner ©
tressebleue Directory of off-comm awesomeness!
Comms, archives, and sites of interest Comment-fic & art memes Challenges Rec posts Fic lists; e.g., delicious accounts/LJ memories/etc. Comms, archives, and sites of interest:
Not finding what you're looking for? Or just looking for some other cool places to visit? Here’s a list of related communities, sites, and archives.
SPN Hurt/Comfort (LJ)
SPN/J2 Schmoop (LJ)
SPN Fluff Archive (LJ)
Dark Dean (LJ)
SPN Dark Vault (LJ)
SPN Hardcore (LJ)
Other/related (multifandom, pairing-centric, specialty comms/archives/sites, etc.):
Alastair/Dean (LJ)
Angst Archive (LJ)
Bottom Dean (LJ)
Dean Damage (.com)
Hurt Dean (LJ)
Knives Inside Me, a comm for Dean/Jensen stomach love; h/c-heavy. (LJ)
Purgatory SPN (LJ)
Sick Dean (ff.net)
SPN Kink House's hurt/comfort tag (LJ)
Trauma Recovery Fiction (LJ)
Comment-fic & art memes:
Running Hot: a multi-fandom fever fic comment meme hosted by ariadnes_string Running Hot II hosted by ariadnes_string hypothermia comment-fic meme hosted by afterthecold The Kissing, Cuddling, Nuzzling, Wrap-You-Up in my Clothes Comment Meme: round one & round two hosted by dante_s_hell The SPN Cuddle Comment Fic Meme hosted by elizah_jane SPN hurt/comfort comment-fic meme hosted by girlmostlikely SPN schmoop comment-fic meme hosted by hils Looking Glass: Dean Winchester, (and his reflection) a comment meme hosted by i_speak_tongue and smilla02 Again but with Colds: A Sneezy-SPN-Boys Comment Fic Meme hosted by mad_server Again But With More Colds: Another Sneezy-SPN-Boys Comment Fic Meme hosted by mad_server The S7 Finale Meme of Dean H/C Goodness hosted by mad_server (A mostly h/c, mostly Dean) SPN comment-fic meme hosted by roque_clasique Hug Time Now! A samdean_otp comment-fic meme hosted by samdean_otp A (SPN-heavy) multifandom Horror Meme hosted by sharp_teeth SPN hurt/comfort comment-fic meme hosted by spngenlove SPN hurt/comfort comment-fic meme hosted by spn_hurtcomfort Super-sneezy Supernatural Meme hosted by tarotgal I put together a compilation of all the sick!Dean fic I could find from this meme
here. Just scroll down a little at the link.
SPN Christmas-y h/c comment-fic meme hosted by spn_hurtcomfort SPN Kink Art Meme hosted by spn_kink_artCheck out
hurt/comfort tag at delicious.
SPN Kink Meme hosted by spnkink_meme I put together a compilation of all the sick!Dean fic I could find from round one of this meme
here. Also, check out
hurt/comfort tag at their delicious account. It's updated regularly.
Aaaand it's not off-site, but if you're looking for them, hoodie_time's own Dean-focused hurt/comfort comment memes can be found here. Challenges:
A multi-fandom h/c fanfic challenge hosted by 10-hurt-comfortBingo challenge communities: hc_bingo, angst_bingo, schmoop_bingo, dark-bingoBig Bang communities: hc-bigbang, angstbigbang, spn-hardcore-bb The Draw Jensen Project, an art challenge where you can draw Jensen, Dean, Alec, Tom, Jason, any of JA’s characters.
A SPN schmoop-tag challenge hosted by silverbullets Ramble On: Dean Winchester Love, a fanwork wish list and wish fulfillment community dedicated to the character of Dean, hosted by spn_rambleon
Fyi, all completed challenges at hoodie_time can be found here. Rec posts:
Hurt!Dean recs by blackbetrayal Big Damn Fav Author's List by cream_fudge Hurt!Dean recs by duohatesrelena H/C Meme Gems by roque_clasique @ spnroundtable Roundtable Themes: Hurt/Comfort recs by various @ spnroundtableFic lists; e.g., delicious accounts/LJ memories/etc.:
aelijah85's delicious accountannefenwick's 'dean' tag at deliciousDWFrackles' delicious accountMarlowe97's delicious accountPhinnieLin's delicious accountPoppymoon3's delicious accountrbmi_fan's' hurt!Dean' tag at Pinboard NEW!somersault_j's delicious account NEW!
All hurt!Dean can be found under the spn tag, and there you find 99% hurt!Dean from dark to schmoop to hurt/comfort. So, again, if there's anything you'd like added to this list, just let me know in the comments to this post and I'll add it for you. ;)
Masterlist last updated: January 16th, 2013.
➽ This post was compiled by
maypoles and is posted under this account for organizational purposes.