S7 Finale Meme!

May 19, 2012 11:07

http://mad-server.livejournal.com/69873.html">http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w6/mad_server/meme.png" title="">

I liked the finale! I liked it a lot. Dean making inappropriate nun jokes! Cas and his baggie of honey! Bobby's farewell! The Impala stripteeeease! And then that tantalizing ending, with Dean in purgatory and Sam carefully not losing his shit.

I love Sam and I felt for him, and there's a ton of h/c potential for him in that episode of course, but I'm all about the Dean h/c, and so that's what this meme is about. And there are so many ways that Dean could need h/c in relation to purgatory! SO MANY WAYS. LET'S FIND THEM ALL. And what about his Bobby feelings? And look how Cas is there to love him up, but so is Sam, and so are Crowley and Meg and his baaaby.

Let us go forth and explore.


1. This is a Dean h/c meme, so Dean needs to be on the receiving end of h/c somewhere in your prompt. Sam can have sad times too, but not to the point where they overshadow Dean's. The prompts should also relate to the S7 finale in some way. ETA: Sam girls, kate-mct is hosting a both-boys meme!

2. No spoilers please for episodes that haven't aired! I'm a giant spoilerphobe.

3. Comment on this post to make your prompt. You can make as many prompts as you want. One prompt per comment please.

4. When you fill a prompt, please reply to the prompt-comment and put "FILLED" in your subject line. (Yay, we have subject lines! Thanks to geckoholic, nwspaprtaxis and maypoles for the tech support!)

5. Multiple fills for a single prompt are more than OK!

6. There's no max/min length for a fic.

7. If you have a preference when it comes to gen/het/slash, please say so in your prompt. (If you fill a prompt for nwspaprtaxis, which you totally should because her birthday is this week, she always wants gen and always forgets to say!)

8. You can stick to Supernatural canon or you can go crack fic, crossover, AU, etc. - whatever makes you happy.

9. Art submissions are (extremely) allowed - manips, vids, sketches, paintings, picspams, etc.

10. Anonymous posting is enabled, so you don't need an LJ account to play, but due to past flamey badness, anonymous comments will be screened, so there'll be a bit of a delay between when you post an anonymous comment and when that comment becomes visible to everyone. Also you can totally log out of your LJ account to post incognito.

11. Feedback on the fics is extremely welcome! But please make sure any crit you leave is constructive. No flaming.

12. Feel free to pimp us out with that form up there.

13. If you have any questions, PM me.

14. Have fun! You have to. It's a rule.


supernatural, hurt!sick!dean, fic, memes

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