Mini Challenge: Sick!Dean fic & art Week / MASTERLIST POST

Nov 28, 2012 19:10

Sick!Dean fic & art Week,
the masterlist

Banner courtesy of annartism. Please leave feedback here or at the artist's own LJ, here.

Thank-you so much for playing, everyone! <333


Fic :: Gen

Title: Stitches and a Headache
Author: biketest
Tags: fever, flu, nausea/vomiting, self-esteem issues, sneezing
Characters: Sam, Dean, OC
Genre/pairing: Gen
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 1,784
Spoilers: 1.16
Summary: After Shadow, Dean is sick and embarrassed about it.

Title: Runnin' down a dream
Author: marieincolour
Tags: bed sharing, exhaustion, fainting/collapse, fever, flu, hugs/cuddling
Characters: Dean, Sam
Genre/pairing: Gen(ish)
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 3,942
Spoilers: Season 5
Warnings: Some nudity, some mention of sexual activities
Summary: He should be celebrating the end of a long and rough hunt, chatting up the girl over at the bar with the dark hair, but instead he's...

Title: If He Moves, Will He Fall?
Author: prufrock-26
Tags: bed sharing, common cold, emotional pain/hurt, fever, flu, hell/post-hell issues, hugs/cuddling, nightmares/night terrors, psychological trauma, PTSD
Characters: Sam, Dean
Genre/pairing: Gen or Sam/Dean, or, What you will.
Word-count: 2,676
Spoilers: End of S3.
Summary: Dean's spiking a fever and losing the ability to distinguish Iowa from Hell. Sam does what he can to help him remember.

Title: Not This Time
Author: ramblin_rosie @ sarosefics
Tags: cough, delirium, dream-root/dream-walking, fever, hell/post-hell issues, illness (misc./other/uncategorized), purgatory/post-purgatory issues
Characters: Dean, Sam, memories of others
Genre/pairing: Gen
Rating: PG
Word-count: 1,165
Spoilers: General Season 8 spoilers through 8.06.
Summary: A fever becomes a battlefield, and for once, Dean can’t hold his own. But Sam can’t lose him again. Not like this.

Title: Army Men
Author: sailoreyes67
Tags: cough, cying!Dean, daddy issues, illness (misc./other/uncategorized)
Characters: John, Dean
Genre/pairing: Gen, pre-series
Word-count: 616
Summary: Preteen Dean is sick and miserable and playing with army men.

Title: M’ Fine Sammy
Author: sasha-dragon
Tags: common cold, crying!Dean, fever, hallucinations/delusions
Characters: Sam, Dean
Genre/pairing: Gen
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Spoilers for Season 8, if you don’t want to be spoiled look away now.
Summary: Not long after Dean’s return from Purgatory, he becomes sick. Sam begins to realize his brother isn’t the only one who needs to establish contact again.

Title: A Shade of Pink
Author: tarotgal
Tags: comfort food (pie!/etc.), cough, fever, illness (misc./other/uncategorized)
Characters: Sam, Dean
Genre/pairing: Gen or Dean/Sam; whatever
Word-count: 805
Warnings: Fluffy fluff fluff
Summary: In which Sam manages to ruin the one thing that will make Dean feel better.

Title: Someday Never Comes
Author: twisted_slinky
Tags: delirium, fever, pneumonia
Characters: Sam, Dean, mentions of John
Genre/pairing: Gen
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 1,600
Spoilers: Season 2
Summary: Can't be the cold he's been trying to shake. Can't be, even though the tip of his nose is pink and wet, and just under the sound of squirrels tree-hoppin' are quick, shallow breaths and a soft, accompanying whistle.

Title: Old Habits, New Patterns
Author: weesta
Tags: fever, illness (misc./other/uncategorized)
Characters: Sam, Dean
Genre/pairing: Gen
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 2,000
Spoilers: Set early in season 2.
Summary: Sam’s not ready to be in charge when Dean gets quiet.

Fic :: Slash/Pre-Slash

Title: If He Moves, Will He Fall?
Author: prufrock-26
Tags: bed sharing, common cold, emotional pain/hurt, fever, flu, hell/post-hell issues, hugs/cuddling, nightmares/night terrors, psychological trauma, PTSD
Characters: Sam, Dean
Genre/pairing: Gen or Sam/Dean, or, What you will.
Word-count: 2,676
Spoilers: End of S3.
Summary: Dean's spiking a fever and losing the ability to distinguish Iowa from Hell. Sam does what he can to help him remember.

Title: Flowers facing the sun
Author: stripysockette
Tags: bed sharing, emotional pain/hurt, fainting/collapse, fever, illness (misc./other/uncategorized), shower/bath sharing
Characters: Dean Winchester, Robo Sam
Genre/pairing: Pre-wincest (gencest?)
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 2,034
Spoilers: Up to and inclusive of season six.
Warnings: Robo-Sam, sickness.
Summary: Dean is sick as hell, and Robo!Sam is the closest thing he has to comfort.

Title: A Shade of Pink
Author: tarotgal
Tags: comfort food (pie!/etc.), cough, fever, illness (misc./other/uncategorized)
Characters: Sam, Dean
Genre/pairing: Gen or Dean/Sam; whatever
Word-count: 805
Warnings: Fluffy fluff fluff
Summary: In which Sam manages to ruin the one thing that will make Dean feel better.

Title: Cold Hands
Author: ukefied
Tags: carried!Dean, clothes sharing, fever, illness (misc./other/uncategorized)
Characters: Benny, Dean
Genre/pairing: Benny/Dean pre-slash
Rating: PG
Word-count: 1,827
Spoilers: Season 8
Summary: Purgatory, pre-S8. Based on this prompt: Dean gets sick in purgatory, (not anything supernatural just a fever and whatnot) he feels miserable and Benny takes care of him. Awww. Gen or Dean/Benny.
Summary: You never realize how much you appreciate Advil Cold & Flu until you can't just run out and buy some. Or, life in Purgatory.

Art :: all

Title: sick!Dean
Artist: annartism
Tags: common cold, Dean wearing Sam's hoodie!, fever, flu
Characters: Dean
Genre/pairing: Gen
Type/medium: coloured pencils, photoshop, watercolours
Rating: G
Description: Dean on the bus on the way from the hospital to the motel in "Faith," and feverish and cold, curled up in the backseat of the Impala, plus the banner for this challenge. Mod note: ♥

Title: A Cold Won’t Bring Me Down (with accompanying ficlet)
Artist: lilypsiren
Tags: common cold, fever
Characters: Sam, Dean
Genre/pairing: Gen
Type/medium: digital, drawing
Rating: PG
Warnings: a little blood and cuts?
Description: For the prompt: There is sadly very little art out there with Dean getting his temperature taken. So, something to do with that. Sam waving a thermometer in Dean’s unimpressed face, whatever.

Title: On A Narrow Road to Somewhere
Artist: tsuminoaru
Tags: cancer, hospitalization
Characters: Dean, Castiel
Genre/pairing: Gen, Dean/Cas if you want
Type/medium: digital art
Rating: PG
Warnings: Trigger: Cancer
Description: Oncologist!Castiel and sick!Dean.

A note on late mini challenge entries: There are no extensions for the mini challenge, but if you finish one late we’d still looove to see it. You can post it late using the .amnesty and the .mini challenge (sick!Dean fic/art week) tags if you’d like so people interested in the challenge can find it; it just won’t be part of the masterlist. For readers/viewers, you will be able to follow any late mini challenge fanworks as they're posted by clicking on the latter tag.

Looking for inspiration? Totally check out the prompts for this challenge. The official challenge may be over, but the prompters would love their prompts to be picked up anytime!

➽ This post was compiled by maypoles and is posted under this account for organizational purposes.

.mini challenge (sick!dean fic/art week), .challenge masterlist, *fun stuff

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