Title: Down on His Saddle, Low to His Knees
Author: downjune
Characters/Pairing: very light Anna/Dean
Rating: pg
Word count: 1500
Disclaimer: Not mine, not even a little
Summary: He'd been topside about a month when his body started to break down. It was like whatever that Castiel guy had done had only been temporary.
Notes: This is a timestamp for
Let Me See the Mark Death Made which was my
spn_summergen. And it's also a late entry for the sick!Dean challenge from last week. Basically, I just wanted to write Anna and Dean being sweet, and maybe a little sweet on each other. That, and more of Dean's post-Hell memory issues. It helps to have read the original fic, but all you really need to know is that Dean came back a bit wrong, and Anna's tagging along with the Winchesters a bit ahead of schedule.
Also, title from
Gillian Welch's One Morning because Dean/Gillian is my other OTP.
Down on His Saddle, Low to His Knees