two new vid recs

Oct 04, 2012 14:28

Title: Noch Einmal
Vidder: kj_svala aka kahesha
Tags: injuries (misc.), physical abuse
Characters: Dean, various other onscreen characters
Genre/pairing: Gen, action
Rating: PG-13 (rated by reccer)
Length: 3.32 min
Spoilers: throughout the series
Summary: This video is about one thing, and one thing only: Dean getting the s*** beaten out of him. Set to "Noch Einmal" by Farin Urlaub.
Reccer’s comments: This vidder is an editing master and this is SO MUCH FUN. Um, not for Dean, I guess. ♥

Title: Blood of a Broken Man
Vidder: secretlytodream @ graphicinmotion
Tags: hell/post-hell issues, purgatory/post-purgatory issues, injuries (misc.), psychological trauma
Characters: Dean, some Alistair, various other onscreen characters
Genre/pairing: Gen, character study
Rating: PG-13 (rated by reccer)
Length: 4.00 min
Spoilers: through 8x01
Summary: "And as it breaks so shall it break." Set to "Blood of a Broken Man" by Norbert Kristof.
Reccer’s comments: The vidder describes this as chronicling Dean’s “journey through the years. How he ended up in Hell, on Earth, in Purgatory.” Which is exactly what it does, in a gorgeously atmospheric, and I think, masterful way. I haven’t watched the season 8 premiere yet and this vid just made me extra excited to see it and brought back all my SPN feeeelings!

[setting: season 04], hell/post-hell issues, psychological trauma, &vids, [setting: season 08], physical assault/abuse, [genre: gen], injury (misc./other/uncategorized), !recs, purgatory/post-purgatory issues

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