Title: Such People Perish
brosedshieldDisclaimer: Don’t own, don’t profit, just feelings, man, feelings
Characters: Dean, Sam
Warnings: Major character death all over the place, but since when has that ever kept the boys down?
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 1023
Spoilers: AU in S6
Summary: Dean dies almost instantly-heart attack-on his (their) backporch. And then he’s somewhere else.
Yay Beta!: Infinite thanks to
lavinialavender and
whereupon for reading and squeeing and making this story so much better. They haven’t seen it in awhile so, yeah, those mistakes? Totally added afterward.
Author notes: This is a Dean POV timestamp to
Hell Shall Not Wash Us Away. Reading that one first would really make more sense, but it's more Sam-centric.
Dean once told Sam that he would die of a broken heart...and he never forgot Sam’s flinch when he said it.