de-aged!Dean fic and art recs, part trois (all pretty much gen)

Sep 09, 2011 15:16

Okay, I’m beginning to think I have a de-aged!Dean PROBLEM, haha.

Previous de-aged!Dean themed rec posts can be found here, and all de-aged!Dean recs can be found here: age regression (physical), age regression (mental).

This is a fairly large genre in this fandom, and I'm sure I've missed lots of goodies. If you have any other similarly themed recs, (or self-recs), please feel free to leave them in the comments to this post so that others can check them out.


Title: And No One Sings Me Lullabies
Author: dollarformyname
Tags: age regression (physical), bed-sharing, fever, intoxication, respiratory illness, substance abuse (alcohol), substance abuse (drugs)
Characters: Dean, Sam
Genre/pairing: Gen
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 4,382
Spoilers: Takes place at some vague point in early S6.
Warnings: Language. Underage drinking and drug use (sort of). De-aged!Dean and Soulless!Sam (that seems to merit some warning all on its own, yes?). It might also be kind of disgusting, as in AWWW, not EW; or maybe a little of both, depending on your perspective.
Summary: Sam has his eyes narrowed on the pool tables like he's thinking of dissecting them, and Dean's head doesn't even clear the bar-top. He wants a goddamn beer.
Reccer’s comments: In which there is robo!Sam and de-aged!Dean, a combo I’ve never seen before. Omg, I LOVE THIS TO ITTY BITTY PIECES. The author does a great job writing de-aged!Dean; he's just so Dean, no matter what size he is, and robo!Sam is great too. I mean, he's NOT a good babysitter, but he's fun. The whole thing is hilarious in a kind of heartbreaking way.

Title: There's a Hole in the Fabric of My Reality
Author: etrix @ etrix-lists
Tags: age regression (physical), anxiety/panic attack, crying!Dean, death, emotional pain/hurt, grief, missing (kidnapping/abduction/etc.), nightmares, secrets (somebody finds out), trapped between realities
Characters: Dean, Sam, John, Mary, Castiel
Genre/pairing: Gen, John/Mary (offscreen), Angst, AU/AR, h/c
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 27k
Spoilers: spoilers for up to 5.01 (Sympathy for the Devil)
Warnings: character death, language, violence
Summary: Dean has always been a pain in Sam's butt, causing trouble in school, causing trouble at home. When he disappeared for 7 days the summer of 1997 everybody assumed it was either an overlong party or something to do with a girl. Sam didn't think so. Sam had visions of wings and water and light and death. So when Dean knocked on their front door like a storm-wrecked stranger, Sam stood back and wondered who had shown up at their house.
Reccer’s comments: This is a different kind of age regression fic - Dean is sent to an alternate reality as his younger self, while still retaining memories from his own reality.

It really captures the POV of a teenager (in this case, teen!Sam) and with his voice, weaves a wonderful and wonderfully complex AU/AR. The angst was delectable, the story itself was heartbreaking with a nice touch of hopefulness, and I just loved it.

Title: little boy lost
Author: mimblexwimble
Tags: abandonment issues, age regression (mental), age regression (physical)
Characters: Dean, John, Sam
Genre/pairing: Gen, pre-series
Rating: PG
Word-count: 2,100
Spoilers: N/A
Warnings: N/A
Summary: Dean's four again and nothing makes sense.
Reccer’s comments: A companion piece to so remember then, (Tags: age regression (mental), age regression (physical), common cold, fever) previously recced here, this is an awesome take on the theme of age regression, not ever overly schmoopy, and with a very realistic wee!Dean voice, I think. I love that John is in this one too.

Title: I Am Come Into My Garden
Author: ratherastory
Tags: age regression (mental), age regression (physical), broken bone/fracture, carried!Dean
Characters: Dean, Sam, Lisa, Ben
Genre/pairing: Gen, for the most part, (see warnings) future!fic, domestic!Winchesters
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 6,000
Spoilers: through the end of season five
Warnings: here
Summary: Six-year-old Dean brings home a mangy old alley cat, much to the dismay of Sam and Lisa, who are having a hard enough time coping with everything else that’s happened already.
Reccer’s comments: This is a brilliantly awkward and wonderful and interesting scenario/dynamic, to have adult!Sam and de-aged!Dean living with Lisa and Ben. I want to marry this fic.

Title: The Bird that Feels the Light
Author: ratherastory
Tags: age regression (mental), age regression (physical), childhood illness, mutism, respiratory illness
Characters: Castiel, Dean, mentions of Sam
Genre/pairing: Gen, apoca!fic
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 37,726
Spoilers: General spoilers through Season 5.
Warnings: Show-levels of violence, angst, swearing. Human!Cas
Summary: AU from 5.18 (or thereabouts). Castiel awakens in the middle of a smoking crater, stranded and very much human. According to the people who have discovered him, it’s six months to the day after Michael and Lucifer faced off on the field of battle outside of Detroit, and Castiel isn’t the only one to have returned. When, at his insistence, they take him to this other person, he finds a child -a little boy- and realizes that, contrary to all his expectations, he has been reunited with Dean Winchester.

The world has changed in their absence, and not for the better. Sam is gone, whether dead or simply missing is uncertain. Castiel is given the name of a man in Idaho who may have answers for him. He is faced with the task of travelling cross-country with Dean, who is dependent on him now in ways he never was before, in order to discover the truth. But along the way, as he and Dean learn to know and trust each other once more, Castiel begins to realize that the answers he thought he wanted might not be the ones he needs.
Reccer’s comments: I can’t believe this hasn’t been recced here before; it’s like a de-aged!Dean epic. <3

The universe the author has created is very well-put together and mysterious in awesome ways, and I didn't even miss Sam (I almost always miss Sam.) And omg, teeny!Dean is a total heartbreaker here, with the not speaking and the adorableness.

Title: Sweet Child O' Mine
Author: vie-dangerouse
Tags: age regression (mental), age regression (physical), childhood illness, common cold, Dean's deal/making deals with demons, fever
Characters: Sam, Dean
Genre/pairing: Gen
Rating: N/A
Word-count: N/A
Spoilers: through S4.
Warnings: 2000ish.
Summary: Dean's hit with a de-aging curse sometime in vague mid-Season 4, and Sam kind of flounders at suddenly having to take care of a kid. When Dean gets sick, though, Sam comes into his own and is finally able to give Dean some of that love he was so lacking in S4.
Reccer’s comments: This is sweet, and the allusions to the fact that (physically and mentally) de-aged!Dean may or may not remember his time as an adult/hell are chilling.

Title: Small Packages
Author: zoemathemata
Tags: age regression (mental), age regression (physical), mutism
Characters: Sam, Dean
Genre/pairing: Gen
Rating: PG
Word-count: 5100ish
Spoilers: N/A
Warnings: N/A
Summary: Sam Winchester, your brother has just been deaged, what are you going to do? I'm going to Disneyland!
Reccer’s comments: A sequel to Eat Me Drink Me, (the same tags apply; and there's an EMDM missing scene too!) this is delightful. Some of the fanworks I've recced in this post are quite angsty for the age regression genre, and this is like a balm for that. Which isn't to say there aren't sad bits here either. That's one of the reasons why I love age regression fics so much; they're often ADORABLE, yes, but they can break your heart unexpectedly just as often.


Title: Leaving Perdition
Artist: 22by7
Tags: age regression (physical), carried!Dean
Characters: Dean, Castiel
Genre/pairing: Gen
Rating: G
Spoilers: N/A
Warnings: N/A
Summary: N/A
Reccer’s comments: In which Castiel carries wee!Dean through the fire. This is at once eerie and cuuute.

Title: Let's hug! :D
Artist: angelicfoodcake
Tags: age regression (physical), carried!Dean, hugs/cuddling
Characters: Dean, Sam
Genre/pairing: Gen
Rating: G
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Summary: De-aged!Dean and adult!Sam.
Reccer’s comments: I love how HAPPY Dean looks here; we don’t see that enough. And Sam just looks so peaceful and content to be climbed like a Sam-shaped tree. <333

Title: Peace perhaps
Artist: daggomus_prime
Tags: age regression (mental), age regression (physical), bed sharing, hugs/cuddling, childhood illness, mutism, respiratory illness
Characters: Dean, Castiel, Sam
Genre/pairing: Gen
Rating: G
Spoilers: N/A for the art
Warnings: None
Summary: This is an illustration for a great part to the story ( The Bird That Feels the Light by ratherastory) that you should read first!
Reccer’s comments: What the summary says. Also, daggomus_prime has a distinct, cool style, and has really made the characters her own with this while still very much capturing the feel and emotion of the story. Their expressions convey so much! An amazing comic.

Title: Deaged Dean
Artist: salty_catfish
Tags: age regression (physical), carried!Dean, curse/spell
Characters: Sam, Dean
Genre/pairing: Gen
Rating: G
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Summary: Done with watercolours.
Reccer’s comments: Their faces are KILLING ME. Dean's little chubby pink cheeks! I've never seen such cuteness! And he’s wearing his giant shirt from when he was an adult, naaw. Sam’s little forehead crinkle is perfection too!

Also, WATERCOLOURS. <333 I love themmmm.

An Angel Watch Over You by gikun
Art. Unrated (but probably G?), Dean, Castiel, Sam, gen.

I’m pretty sure this isn’t de-aged!Dean, but rather is Castiel visiting wee!boys in his angel form, but omg the gorgeousness!

[setting: season 04], death, substance abuse (drugs), hugs/cuddling, nightmares/night terrors, [setting: post-series/future-fic], missing (kidnapping/abduction/etc.), mutism/voice loss, [setting: season 06], intoxication/altered state, age regression (physical), bed sharing, broken bone/fracture, crying!dean, respiratory illness/distress, secrets (somebody finds out), carried!dean, curse/spell, grief, [genre» other: schmoop/fluff], common cold, !recs, [genre» other: au/ar], childhood illness, substance abuse (alcohol), dean's deal/making deals with demons, &art/graphics (digital), [genre» other: domestic/curtain!fic], [genre: gen], emotional pain/hurt, [genre» other: apoca!fic], age regression (mental), [setting: season 05], fever, trapped between realities, abandonment issues, &fic, anxiety/panic attack, [setting: pre-series], &art/graphics (traditional)

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