SPN: There's a Hole in the Fabric of My Reality [master post]

Aug 23, 2011 21:15

Summary: Dean has always been a pain in Sam's butt, causing trouble in school, causing trouble at home. When he disappeared for 7 days the summer of 1997 everybody assumed it was either an overlong party or something to do with a girl. Sam didn't think so. Sam had visions of wings and water and light and death. So when Dean knocked on their front door like a storm-wrecked stranger, Sam stood back and wondered who had shown up at their house.

Characters: Dean, Sam, John, Mary, Castiel
Pairings: John/Mary [off screen]
Disclaimer: These characters are not mine. I just like shaking them out and playing with them.
Beta: slaybelle69. I didn't always take her advice, but it made me take another look at what I'd written, which is never a bad thing.
Word count: 27k
Rating: PG-13

Content: Angst, AU/AR, character death, h/c, language, violence; spoilers for up to 5.01 (Sympathy for the Devil); Sam's POV

AN: Inspired by dollarformyname's prompt for the hoodie_time challenge Writing between the Lines. A challenge where one author offers up a line or two of an unfinished story, and another author picks it up and runs with it. Original prompt is here. The specific lines from the prompt that inspired me are:

their quarry deigned to reappear with an outrageously simple knock on the door. Dean was silent and mussed and worn thin. When Dad demanded to know where the hell he'd been, he just shrugged. Couldn't say. He was different after that.

Icon by mizra as part of the jensenstillness Challenge #231 and snagged with permission. As always for an SPN story, facts and details checked at the Supernatural Wiki.

|   Prologue  |
01  |  02  |  03  |  04  |  05  |

Extras  |

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