DATE/TIME: 11 July 2007, mid afternoon
CHARACTERS: Ron, Fred, George, Hermione
PLACE: Charlie's Flat
STATUS: Incomplete
Ron had spent the past few days at Charlie's flat, finding the general messiness compatible with his moods. Charlie had been working long hours which allowed Ron plenty of time to mope without interruption, something he
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Comments 8
Ron -
I'm sorry, I've been sort of out of it lately since Sunday. I don't even know how this happened, but it seems I'm booked solid until at least Monday. I'm so, so sorry. That's entirely my fault. Like I said, I've been out of it.
And, no, I'm not spending any of those evenings or afternoons with Harry, if that makes you feel any better.
Throwing his clothes back into his sack, and kicking it into the corner, he scribbled a reply.
I won't lie and say I'm not disappointed, but I do understand. If it wasn't you, I would beg you to reschedule something but then, I suppose your loyalty to your plans is what makes you, well, you.
I'm hoping that Monday you can schedule me in. I've waited many years, I can handle a few more days.
I suppose there's nothing we can do about being ourselves. I'm sorry I'm booked so solid - I should have thought ahead to the fact that you would want to get together. My mind is sort of everywhere lately, I suppose.
Monday for dinner sounds fabulous.
Can't wait,
Don't apologize for being you, that's something I hope you never change.
How does the Leaky sound? If I don't hear back, I'll assume we're meeting Monday around 7?
Looking forward to it,
FROM: Fred Weasley, 7 High Bridge Wharf, Greenwich, London
All that time away must have made your head go soft if you're sending separate owls to me and George when you know very well that we live under the same roof.
Anyway, this advice you'd like... it wouldn't happen to be of a sexual nature, would it? If so, there's cremes for that sort of thing now.
He laughed at Fred's response and quickly scribbled a reply, careful not to let his rice get cold.
I thought it would be nice to send seperate notes, show that I made the effort or some such.
I don't need a creme, you ass. Just because you are prone to sexual deviancy doesn't mean the rest of us are as well.
What are your plans tonight or tomorrow? Beer sounds like a good one to me.
FROM: George Weasley, 7 High Bridge Wharf, Greenwich, London
Ickle Ronnikins,
Fred says you're a wanker.
He also says that he doesn't consider it deviancy, but lovely little notches in his headboard. You know we've had to replace his headboard twice already. Damn thing turned into splinters far too quickly.
But I digress...
We're busy with the shop a lot this month with the end of the fiscal year that we're preparing for. How's next week sound? You'll get two brothers with two sets of advice for the price of one. How can you pass up a deal like that?!
All my loves and kisses,
The Better Brother.
That's just far too much information about your headboard, although I do hope that you've replaced it with something much more sturdy.
Let me know when you're free, I'm just sitting on my arse drinkin' Charlie's beer.
Your Ronnikins
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