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Comments 4

amberfocus November 24 2013, 08:05:46 UTC
Derren Brown is an illusionist.


beck_liz November 24 2013, 15:39:40 UTC
Via Tumblr, I have found out that the Darren Brown thing is actually an inside joke to something in Sherlock that I'm not sure actually happened show-wise or whatever. But basically Moffat threw that in there to drive the Who people who are also Sherlock people who are really keeping track of things crazy. If that makes any sense at all, which I doubt. :-)


np_complete November 29 2013, 22:22:09 UTC
I think actually the scarfy sciency girl was saying "ma'am", not "mum" to Kate Stewart. I thought she was Kate's daughter, too, but someone IRL explained that, no, scarfy sciency girl was the daughter of a UNIT scientist from the old days.


honorh November 30 2013, 06:49:27 UTC
I think you're right. I heard "mum", but looking back on the episode, I'm pretty sure Baker Scarf Girl wasn't Kate Stewart's daughter.


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