"Day of the Doctor": The Liveblog!

Nov 23, 2013 20:50

Disclaimer: I did catch this on first broadcast, but I really wanted to see it again, so I'm liveblogging the rebroadcast. Fun!

Hey, little roundtable for BBCA beforehand. They've got Grant Imahara, so that alone makes this worth it. He's so cute! Some girls and a guy with a Bad Wolf tee round out the crew.

Some of the fans they're showing make me feel like a fannish slacker, to be honest. But, y'know, we all show our fannishness in other ways. I would, however, like a jammy dodger. OHAI, Matt! You look so different without the floppy hair! Big love to you, too.

Matt Smith and David Tennant quoting famous movie lines. Quite cute, but put some welly on your "KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!" David.

Tired of these people now. Except Grant. Get on with the show. Ah, counting down from 11, very clever.

Ah, the old theremin titles lead it off. I missed this bit before. Here's Clara as a teacher, taking off on a motorbike. Does she have a teaching license now? Driving motorbike into TARDIS, where the Doctor's reading about quantum mechanics, which is frankly daft. Doesn't he know everything about them by now?

Oh, hullo, I missed quite a bit before. It must've started early when I tuned in before. Ah, Tom Baker Scarf girl is Kate Stewart's daughter. So this is where we get the Doctor hanging out of the TARDIS, which is hanging from a helicopter. Nice panorama of London.

"I don't like being picked up!" Yeah, he likes doing the picking up. Speaking of, letter from QE1.

Who the heck is Darren Brown?

Clara doesn't believe the Doctor has a job.

Oh, the painting is the Fall of Arcadia. I wondered about that. Doctor takes Clara's hand and talks about the War Doctor.

Here's where I came in before, at the, well, Fall of Arcadia. The Doctor blasts a message into a wall: "No More." He does have a way of upsetting the Daleks, doesn't he?

Commercials. I do hope they don't cut anything for the rebroadcast. Stupid American TV.

Ah, yes, here is where I came in before. Growly General guy disagrees that the Doctor's a fool; he prefers the term "madman". And the Doctor's stealing the most forbidden of the forbidden weapons, the Moment, a weapon that the Ancients created that developed sentience.

Desert landscape, the howl of a wolf, John Hurt's voiceover. He's going to end it all. The weapon's clockwork and has a distinct lack of a Big Red Button that Must Never, Ever Be Pressed.

Rose! Or someone who looks like her. Who can't be effectively thrown out.

She looks like Rose, but she acts a bit like Idris!TARDIS and also like the Doctor himself. She's the interface with the Moment. She says she chose the form for him, and she calls herself the Bad Wolf. So, what is she? Not Rose. But I don't think she's anything like a mere avatar for the Moment, either. She claims the name Bad Wolf for herself, and there are the glowy eyes, so I think she has elements of the Bad Wolf in her. That was formed of Rose's will and the TARDIS's power. And she has power, to be able to form fissures in time. So, no, I don't think this is just manifestation of a machine's conscience. Rose's appearance and perhaps a bit of her will (and mascara), the TARDIS's power and a bit of her personality, all focused on the sentient machine which uses it to create an avatar to interact with the Doctor. If that makes sense. Which it probably doesn't.

"There will be consequences for you," she says, and says his punishment will be to live. And that he'll count the children he must kill to end the Time War.

Fez, commercial break, I go back and edit.

Dish vs. DirecTV, a true First World Dilemma. On with the show, please?

Okay, back to the show. QE1 writes a mash note, Kate leads the Doctor off, and someone gets an important phone call.

Ah, and here's David Tennant! Mackin' on the Virgin Queen! Is that Arthur? He pops the question, and then dings at her. "It's a machine that goes . . . ding!" Ah, David, I've missed you! And your tight suit and amazing hair.

Why is David always getting kissed?

The Doctor stops to intimidate a bunny. It doesn't work very well.

Liz One argues with herself. The actress is bugging me. David gets fezzed, commercial break.

New BBC show about a hunky scientist (is there any other kind in TV-land) who finds himself in Atlantis. And is, naturally, the Chosen One of some stripe.

Enough of that, back to the show. They're in the under-gallery with "dangerous" art, and the Doctor needs some dust analyzed by Tom Baker Scarf girl. He asks in a very Eleven-ish sort of way. Then he steals a fez. "Someday, you could just walk past a fez," says Clara, but that's crazy talk.

Glass has been broken out of paintings, and the figures have escaped. Ah.

The fissure appears, and Eleven "almost" remembers it. He throws in his fez, then himself. Doctor, meet Doctor. Eleven notes that Ten is skinny.

"What you get up to in your own regeneration is your business." Hah! And they like each other's brainy specs. David and Matt must've had fun.

They accidentally fez Hurt!Doctor. Stewart asks for files on "The Five Doctors" and slips in a sly joke about the muddled '70s/'80s timeline of the Pertwee era.

Commercial break. I think I'll have to continue this in another entry.

doctor who

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