So, I'm still alive

Oct 21, 2013 16:12

Just been busy with school and work. Did I tell everyone I'm finally enrolled and doing prereq work for my MA TESOL? Well, I am. So there. I'm taking Japanese and Intro to Linguistics, which is really quite fascinating. My linguistics prof is adorably enthusiastic about her subject. It's really interesting to be taking a foreign language while also ( Read more... )

coffee, books, actual real life-type stuff, movies

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Comments 6

midnightsjane October 22 2013, 01:00:17 UTC
Good to know you're around!
Language is a fascinating subject; I've always been interested in the origins of languages and the connections between different ones. Your studies sound very interesting!


yamx October 22 2013, 07:53:55 UTC
Oh, cool!

Intro to Linguistics? Awesome! What subjects are you covering?


kathyh October 22 2013, 09:15:14 UTC
Drive by wave :) Good to hear the studies are so interesting. I've always been hopeless at languages but linguistics sounds fascinating.


tardis_stowaway October 22 2013, 18:46:52 UTC
Your studies sound really neat. Yay linguistics!

I am also super excited about Thor: The Dark World. I am also slightly concerned, because in the first Thor movie I enjoyed the scenes on Earth much more than the scenes on Asgard, and it looks like this movie will be heavily tilted towards Asgard. But it does have Christopher Eccleston, who is a big plus for me even buried under piles of makeup. Thanks for the press conference link. That was fun!


wildcard_47 October 29 2013, 00:52:07 UTC
Glad to hear you're doing well! I took a Linguistics class in undergrad and absolutely loved it. The units on slang and dialect were always my favorite. :)

Also, re: Thor, I present to you a picture of Eccleston in a three-piece suit. Because Monday!


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