Covid and Book Update

Jun 22, 2022 18:48

Well, it finally happened even with the vaccine on board I finally caught Covid. Was at my sisters for a graduation party the next day her family came down with what she was calling the "flu" and two days later I started to feel poorly. The next day I felt worse than I have felt in a really long time. Slight fever, body aches, chills, a bad ( Read more... )

book rec, personal, books i'm reading

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Comments 8

gilda_elise June 23 2022, 11:20:09 UTC
I'm so sorry to hear that you've been ill. We tend to forget that COVID is very much out there. I've been lucky so far (knock on wood,) but it doesn't seem to take much. Glad to hear that you're on the mend, even if it's a slow one.

The Stardust Thief sounds interesting, but what a drag having to wait for the next book in the series. I have a four-book series that I've been waiting for the fourth book before starting. For the longest time the author's editor wouldn't take the book because it was too long. He finally cut it down to size, so there's finally a publishing date. I really wish series hadn't become so popular.


honor_reid June 25 2022, 04:06:31 UTC
Thank you!

I usually try to wait until a series has a few out before I read but sometimes I can't resist.


cornerofmadness June 23 2022, 17:35:43 UTC
Hope you and your family are feeling better soon


honor_reid June 25 2022, 04:08:04 UTC
Thank you! We are getting better but it is at a slower pace then I would wish.


cornerofmadness June 25 2022, 13:52:55 UTC
I'm sure. Hope it goes a little better


asphaltcowgrrl June 23 2022, 19:48:17 UTC
Oh no! Hope you're feeling better soon and that your dad escapes getting sick. I've been sick all week thanks to my (grown) kid, lol. But not COVID, thankfully.


honor_reid June 25 2022, 04:08:41 UTC
Thank you!

I hope you get better soon as well!


asphaltcowgrrl June 27 2022, 18:33:36 UTC
Thanks, so much better than I was a week ago!


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