Last Books of February

Feb 27, 2024 11:00

I can finally post without having to explain I have been sick. \o/ My whole family has been well for almost two weeks now. I am super pleased by that. Cookie season is in full swing for the Girl Scouts, and we had a couple of booth sales this past weekend. One in front of a pet store and the other in front of a grocery store. They were both fairly ( Read more... )

book rec, books i'm reading

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Comments 5

asphaltcowgrrl February 27 2024, 19:07:30 UTC
HOORAY FOR EVERYONE BEING HEALTHY AGAIN! Ah, I remember cookie season, too. It can be fun, but also crazy. Was actually politely ambushed by two girls at our bank of mailboxes last week. She and her sister were too cute. Parents were nice as well and luckily, I had cash on me.

Sorry about the one book you didn't care for, but thrilled you enjoyed the other two!


honor_reid February 29 2024, 20:54:23 UTC
Cookie season is crazy but the girls seem to really like it.

They were all for the most part good reads except for the romance but you can't win them all.


asphaltcowgrrl February 29 2024, 21:33:10 UTC
I know the kids in my girls' troop were always excited to hear how cute they all were.

Yeah, sometimes there's a stinker in a batch of good ones.


liminal_space February 27 2024, 22:23:04 UTC
you always have such great reads to list! :)


honor_reid February 29 2024, 20:55:20 UTC
I have been fairly lucky here lately.


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