Kusanagi-kun no Hair Mysteries

Oct 27, 2007 20:00

... or:

Let's all just ignore what a shitty day today was and sigh and gaze at Tsu-tsu, shall we?

Click here for Tsuyoshi!^^ )

music: smap, tsuyoshi isn't jazz - he rocks, picspam

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Comments 21

morrie_sama October 27 2007, 21:18:42 UTC
Great Tsuyopon picspam. :p I want moore smap picspams.
I can say about B'z that Juice and Ultra soul are fucking great songs. And Tak is a great guitarist.


honeyswallow October 28 2007, 13:29:19 UTC
Tsuyoshi lovers ftw.
I wanna make more spams, too, but I just happened to have exceptionally many pics of him.
B'z are great! I'm not sure I had really much to say about them, but maybe I should just up tons of music instead.


honeyswallow October 28 2007, 13:31:53 UTC
Wait a sec! Didn't you say you thought TsuTsu was ugly? :o


bakabanri October 27 2007, 23:36:48 UTC
OMG TSUYOPON why you never look bad? why he always looks good? his sideburns are perfect, I love the last chonan pic, he looks hot in almost every picture, if not cute. and no I dont mind girly Takuya and Shingo XD thank you so much for the spam ^^ actually I didnt know where is the Totoro site so almost all these pics are new to me XD and Tarzan is a fitness mag? O__o the name Tarzan scares me.


honeyswallow October 28 2007, 13:23:01 UTC
That's the one.
Horrific html, but the magazine scans... xD
The name Tarzan scared me, too. it's very direct ;)


bakabanri October 29 2007, 13:16:03 UTC
yay thanks for the link XDD


oh_galore October 28 2007, 08:32:06 UTC
TSUYOPPOOOOON!! hihi ^///^
danke für den Picspam (uwah! SPAM--> SMAP!! das ist ein Zeichen O.o)

About B'z.. ohje.. ich bin ungefähr auf dem Stand von "Monster" bzw. die Circle of Rock Tour & das was davor war... jetzt habe ich B'z so ziemlich vernachlässigt..


honeyswallow October 28 2007, 13:14:38 UTC
*giggles* Icon love!

Dude, wie kannst du du bloß deine Inaba Koshi Cds verscherbeln. (Na ja, an mich, ich will mich nicht beschweren xDDD)
Aber weißt dud enn gar nichtd as im Dezember das neue Album Action vor der Tür steht? :o


oh_galore October 28 2007, 20:30:36 UTC
uwahh ja ich weiß es ist ein unding, aber ich brauch geld & platz hab ich auch keinen mehr. und die "wonderland" single mit dem photobooklet behalte ich ja auch <3
außerdem tröste ich mich mit ner B'z fanclub mitgliedskarte & nem gebrauchten konzertticket.. *proll*
egal. juhuu neues album!


honeyswallow October 28 2007, 22:27:21 UTC
Konzertticket sagt sie.... Gebraucht sagt sie... *dies*


goblinbrodie October 29 2007, 02:21:50 UTC
Thank you sooo much for these! At the moment my "Tsuyoshi" folder has not enough pictures in it, simply due to there being more good pictures of the others available on the forum I used to go to. Now I can fix that situation with the many pictures you've provided! Hooray!
I especially like:
- tiny watering can = love!
- profile pics OMG
- Kimura and Goro making eyes at one another in the orange magazine one, eee!!


honeyswallow October 29 2007, 07:53:16 UTC
I really like how Takuya looks in that orange magazine. The hair is long without looking untidy.

Aren't all SMAP forums pretty much dead? No one's exactly dancing tango at channelSMAP/freebird anymore, either.
Ah, reminds me. Didn't you say channelsmap had a rough translation of the 03-04 improvised conversation special somewhere? Did you save it, or can you point me to it?


goblinbrodie October 30 2007, 07:45:42 UTC
That translation can be found here.

Aren't all SMAP forums pretty much dead?

I wouldn't know. I resisted joining any for ages - my excuse being that they'd eat my life - but then eventually I joined La Creme and went nuts downloading pictures and translations... and then of course it closed down. I had a rest from forums for awhile, not knowing where else was good and not wanting to join them all, but eventually on the recommendation of barefootatkheb I joined Channel SMAP. It seems good there, although they've specifically forbidden fanfic with homosexual content. Are you on any of the others? What are they like?


honeyswallow October 30 2007, 09:28:23 UTC
Well, I'm in channelSMAP and SMAP freebird, which seem pretty much the same to me since the content is mostly the same, the server is the same and all... so at first I thought channelsmap had been closed down and freebird had been opened up instead. Many topics haven't been updated in a year, though, and I hate that.

I never actively participate in forums, I dunno, I don't quite like it.


crimsonbreeze November 6 2007, 00:52:48 UTC
omg... this is the first Tsuyo pic spam I find in the internet, and I soooo love you for doing this. I have always said he is the coolest member in SMAP because he has multiple talents, even if he isn't the most attractive. Awww Tsuyo, you are so adorkable, I wanna eat you in pieces... after having sex with you lol.


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