Kusanagi-kun no Hair Mysteries

Oct 27, 2007 20:00

... or:

Let's all just ignore what a shitty day today was and sigh and gaze at Tsu-tsu, shall we?

First off, yes. I nabbed 99% of miy pics off Totoro. She is great. We should give her a new camera or something.

A bit off, but still cool. Tsuyoshi in a suit is just cool, period.

This one makes me want to write fic. Something dark and western, in which I can cal him "Mr. Kusanagi". Heh.

I want a bigger version of this!

Tsuyopon at the Television Awards in Seoul last year. Aju maeume deureoyo! xD

I know it's his Chonan Kan sign, but I really wished he'd stop doing this. Especially because he's gorgeous in that pic.

With Shingo. Awww, happy.

This is the part in which I say how much I love Tsuyoshi's profile and ergo profile shots.

I like this! So... mellow.

I know this is gonna sound weird, but I like how... normal he looks in this pic.

Profile! Sideburns wtf!

With takuya in the video for dynamite :)

How great does Shingo look in this? Aww Tsu, don't be jealous.

Somehow I always catch myself thinking how "fresh" this looks.

Hah, do his trousers ride up a bit to reveal his whities? xDDD

This too, seems very fresh, sporty and normal.

Evil glance, ne? But I love the person who did his makeup here.

I did indeed say I don't like the long hair, but this is fine. I like this pic. I just don't like the long hair, as in "long" (his 2004 hair, to be exact.)

This lenght was just fine.

tsuyopon in a suit, in the tub! Yay!

Tsu, it's a MAN'S MAG. There's no need for you to look this hot.

Shoe love!

Tsuyoshi's Korean alter ego Chonan Kan scares me a bit, but I like this shot of him.


Why isn't the entire femal population of this planet after him, why????

Somehow I found this pic very cute.

This is very... Tsuyoshi, and yet it's not. Lovely.

Sweater love!

I love everything in this, the sweater, the angle, the hair, and earring love! Normally guys with earrings bother me, but with Tsuyoshi it's just fine.

Profile love!

See, I don't like the hair, but I like the shirt and the pose.

This, with the sloppy clothes and all, makes me want to do things to him.


Again I dunno how to put it, but he looks so mature!

This looks as if someone randomly came up to him and said hi, and I love it.

Laughing Tsuyoshi = Happy me.

Everything about this pic is perfect. Shirt, hair, smile, jeans necklace, pose. Perfect.

Come here, I'll kiss it better!

Now I can die peacefully. There's something about his look, too, isn't there?
At first I thought it was a shot for a gay magazine, but since i didn't know if straight Asian Entertainers were as wiling to apear in such mags half-naked as Westeners often are, I visited the website.
It's a fitness mag xD


I love this because the lighting is nice and because Tsuyopon for some obscure reason reminds me of Inaba Koshi.

Ok, Chonan. Maybe you win. Sometimes you are cute.

Fin! :)

Now, however visits this LJ, how much do you know about B'z ? I want to do a B'z pimpage post, I think, if there are enough people around who are going "???" right now.

music: smap, tsuyoshi isn't jazz - he rocks, picspam

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