PIMP MY MUSICBOX PART I: abingdon boys school

Mar 29, 2008 19:43

Because certain great bands still need pimpin', don't ask me why!

I'm trying to resurrect my ABS pimp post from work, you guys, so downloads will be added later ^^""



Meet abingdon boys school, abs for short (and no, it's got nothing to do with your car), your new favourite j-rock group. *lol*
Their name comes from, hey, you might have guessed it, an all-boys school in Oxfordshire (otherwise known as birthplace of Radiohead), which is why you'll see them wearing school uniforms for their promo shots.

A history.

abs formed in 2005, issuing their first single "stay away" in March, which was used for the NANA live action movie and featured on its tribute album (which also has other cool artists like Do As Infinity and tommy heavenly6)
"Dress", their next song, is a cover of the song by BUCK-TICK (who shall be pimped later), and also featured on their tribute album "PARADE ~RESPECTIVE TRACKS OF BUCK-TICK~".

They debuted in September 2006 with the single "INNOCENT SORROW" (capitals, yay!)
If you have seen the anime D. gray-man, you might know it, as abingdon seem to continue TM Revolutions old tradition to use all of their songs as a theme for... well, something.

In May 2007, their second single HOWLING was released. Yeah, I know, they took their time, but it was worth it. It was used as a theme for the anime Darker than Black, which is how I've discovered abingdon boys school, btw.

In July of that year, they released Nephilim, which was used as a theme for the PS2 game "FolksSoul". (aha.)

They finally released their debut album in October 2007, cleverly titled "abingdon boys school", probably to avoid confusion with other kilt-wearing Japanese rock groups.
Their last official single was BLADE CHORD in December 2007, and yes, it was used as theme for a PS2 game, whooo!

Because abs are not only good with theme songs, but also with covers, they did another cover song for another great band in February 2008, this time it was for LUNA SEA's tribute album "Rebirth".
The song is "Sweetest Coma Again", and you totally have to check it out.

At the moment abs are taking a semi-break, because Takanori, who is really TM Revolution (more of that a little further down), resumed his activities this month to release a new single and also shake hands and kiss babies at the NY Comic Con.

Rock me harder, baby.

If you wanted me to describe abingdon boys school's music first before you go and try it yourself, the first word that comes to mind is powerfulrock. They really do rock your house until it shakes and then some.
In my opinion, Takanori has a beautiful, loud voice with that typical vibrato that many people love about Gackt so much.
He loves the Engrish, but he's been to America a lot, so what comes out of his mouth is actually stuff that we can make sense of, and the guitar solos (especially SUNAO's!) don't need to hide behind any other great band's guitarist's.

I think in a way you really can expect good music of them, because abs consists of individuals who have long been successful musicians in their own right, plus they have no strict hierachy, either. There is no leader or main lyricist, even though you'll probably hear who wrote the music once you know the band a little better.

The hard-working musicians.

abingdon boys school is made up of the four talented individuals you can see here. They are (clock-wise): SUNAO, Nishikawa Takanori, Shibasaki Hiroshi and Kishi Toshiyuki.
All of them except Takanori were born in the SUMMER OF 69 (ok, not exactly summer, but how could I have let this go?), which makes them clock in at the golden part of being in their mid-thirties (meaning: not so mid-thirties anymore xD)

[born 28th April 1969, in Tokyo]

SUNAO is abs' guitarist, and even though they don't really make a difference between main and rhytmic guitar (both of them take turns, so to say), I'd call him mian guitar, simply for his expirience and awesome solos.
As a professional guitarist he has not only played in many bands (mainly indie bands/defunct bands/old bands xDD like Wild Style, Bluem of Youth, Doggy Bag), but has also been guitarist and songwriter for many popular artists like BUCK TICK, TRF, Suzuki Ami, Kinki Kids and V6 (come to the JE side of things! xDD). He's very eager to help compose abs songs, the music for BLADE CHORD is entirely by him.
Other than that he is a very good-looking, but quiet fellow, the typical mature guitarist, you might say xD

Nishikawa Takanori
[born September 19th 1970, Yasu]

When people talk about abingdon boys school, they usually talk about Takanori alias Taka-chan, too.
How come?
Well, even though abs have agreed not to have a band leader, they still have one, kind of, which would be Takanori.
Takanori's solo project for years and years will surely ring a bell, it's TM Revolution, short for "Takanori makes revolution."
Takanori became popular for his theme songs for the Gundam SEED anime TV series (as well as doing the dub for one of the characters), but he has of course also had a string of popular albums and singles (which just randomly have been used as themes for CMs and animes and whatnot *cough*)

Well, Taka-chan had been in the business for over ten years, and somehow, he was getting bored. He needed action. He needed a band.
What he did was complain to Hiroshi and Kishi about it, who were part of his backing band, so Kishi said "Well, let's form one, then!"

With SUNAO also being someone who had worked with TM Revolution before, it all comes back to him, even though people still argue IF THERE WAS A BANDLEADER AT ALL (which there is not, just sayin'), it might as well be Kishi since he had the idea. Bah.

Takanori is as straight as your favourite pink skipping rope.
Ah, I know what you're gonna say now, there have been these rumours about a totaly cute girlfriend here and there, then not, and then again, but did we ever see photos? I didn't. LOL.

Yeah, well, sue me, but... um...

I'm telling you, male artists who design their outfits themselves and still look as if they've been fashion-raped by Johnny's Entertainment will always live in that little grey area (that is totally not only in my head. At least not only in MY head, mind you.)

Wait, it gets better:
Taka-chan has also starred in two dramas (small roles), and I'll bet you know one of them:

It's "Beautiful Life" ! Yep, it's one of those Kimura Takuya dramas with the crazy raitings xD
Guess what Taka-chan plays? A hairstylist. Here we go with the grey area again.
Plus, back in 2000 he looked like this:


Ok, I'll stop now.

The other one is a tanpatsu called "Kaigo Etoile", from 2006.
Well well, "Nursing Care Star"


That... went... really well. *whistles*

Shibasaki Hiroshi
[born December 13th, 1969, in Tokyo]

Meet Shibasaki-kun, abingdon boys school's other brilliant guitarist!
It's unfair to have two of them, wow.
Shibasaki Hiroshi is known for being the guitarist of the band WANDS, who debuted in 1991. I would totally love to say more about that, but I can't since I've never listened to them. *headdesk*
He left them in 1997 to join indie band al.ni.co .
He too made it his main calling from 2001 on to be backing guitarist in various bands until he found TM Revolution and fell in love with him swore to follow him to the end of the world joined his awesome band :D
Shibasaki-kun composed "stay away".

If you asked me, then Shibasaki-kun is the one besides Takanori that does least look his age, he looks more like he's recently been thrown out of a VK band because he wasn't quite cool enough (he's a bit of a sensitive guy), and OH, DID I MENTION HE'S MARRIED?

Kishi Toshiyuki
[born October 17th, 1969, in Chiba]

Kishi, usually called TK (I could still say Kishi all day xDD), plays keyboards/syntheziser for abs, but is really a multi-instrumentalist and producer.
He's linked with the electronic band Yellow Magic Orchestra who are really poular in Japan, so if you're into electronic music, go go go check them out now, I'll give my best to find something without having to buy it SORRY KISHI.

Besides music, Kishi loves fenching. He participated in the National Youth Championships when he was in middle school, and he's still pretty into it, as well as Kendo and other sports.

He has an impressive catalogue of work to look back on, he's arranged songs for The Alfee, SMAP, Nakashima Mika, Kawamura Ryuichi, The Gospellers and Hotei Tomoyasu, with the latter he's also worked on the soundtrack to Kill Bill.

As I've already mentioned, TK is abingdon boys school's leader no.2, and I think he likes that. He's the one most likely to talk (given Taka-chan will actually shut up for a moment), and he likes to cheat himself a little to the front in their group photoshots.
Anyway, I really like Kishi. He's so effin cute. &hearts

Look at them go!

This post would not be complete without abingdon boys school in action, both interview and performance-wise.

Well, as they don't have that many PVs out yet, let me just recommend two.

I like the Nephilim PV because it's really such a rock video chlicheé, a cool band rocking out in the mountains. But look at Taka-chan, the little bomb. Such passion.

The other one I'd like to rec is Innocent Sorrow, but honestly, if you like them, watch them all. It's not as if they are hard to find.

A classic is the abs interview in the Hey! Hey! Hey! Telephone box.
Go here.
Look at Takanori, that midget, never knowing when to shut his mouth!
There is a subbed version of this, btw, whcih I don't have anymore, but if you ask nicely on the abs media community here on LJ, someone will upload it for you, I'm sure.

Abs were one of the bands performing at Live Earth Japan.
I don't like that particular performance that much, but it sure was a great thing for a band as "new" as that.
[Btw, the sound doesn't seem to work for this video, which of course spoils half the fun.]

A very good performance, though, was their live of BLADE CHORD on Music Fighter.

abs on TOKUBAN.
Oh c'mon, which talk on Utaban has ever not been worth watching?

A bit weirder: abs on MuchaBuri.
It's so cute! Liking Kanjani8 helps, though.


Abs' new Year's comment 2008
...and Taka-chan talks and talks and talks... while the rest looks pretty.


Their album includes all the singles I've talked about, plus more awesomeness.
So download it now!


[Part One]
[Part Two]

Blade Chord! [MF]

Ah, well, this is the end, for now, this PC has just crashed 3 times while I was typing this, now it's around 2pm and I've started at 10am. HIGHSPEED INTERNET YAY!

I hope you liked it, and if you did, go tell your friends about it, too.
Remember that it's all in good fun.

pimpage is what the obsessed are best at

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