fic: the man who [eleven, mels]

Dec 21, 2011 23:41

Title: The man who
Rating: Somewhere between PG-13 and M.
Characters/Pairing: Eleven, Mels (Technically sort of Mels/Doctor, implied Eleven/River)
Wordcount: ~2700
Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who.
Summary: The Doctor winds up undercover as a teacher in Leadworth, and finds out a bit more about 18-year-old Mels's obsession than he wants.
A/N: For ( Read more... )

fic, fic: doctor who, c: eleven, c: melody pond, p: doctor/river

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Comments 25

bendingwind December 21 2011, 23:01:10 UTC
So much excellent fic on my dash! *rolls around;

This is lovely and sad and also I may or may not have a student/teacher kink (...okay. I definitely do. WHATEVER WHATEVER) shhh don't tell anyone.

Anyways, I quite like this <3


honeynoir December 21 2011, 23:18:17 UTC
I am shushed and will not tell. *imagine gif of shushing Eleven from Closing Time here*

Heh, I'm not really doing much for that kink -- just establishing my utter inability to write anything higher than PG.



honeynoir December 21 2011, 23:29:47 UTC
Because re-reading my own comments make them all sound weird... With "not really doing much" I mean that this was supposed to be a bit more obviously student/teacher, and then it... wasn't. Hence not, uh, doing much for it.

Words how do they work


I think this one sounds weird too


bendingwind December 21 2011, 23:33:50 UTC
No worries bb it's not about the rating, it's about the ~forbiddenness.

(I could totally get behind an AU Eleven/Mels series js)


lonewytch December 22 2011, 09:18:51 UTC
I read this on eleventy_kink the other day! I always wonder who the anon writers are on there, so glad you de-anoned! Great piece, thought it was funny and so very very Mels.


honeynoir December 22 2011, 22:33:10 UTC
I wonder that, too! :) So glad Mels was Mels - I'm having a much harder time writing her than River, for some reason.


paynesgrey December 28 2011, 20:39:46 UTC
This is beyond brilliant! So clever and original. Loved it! Fabulous job.


honeynoir December 30 2011, 21:03:57 UTC
Thank you! It was a wonderful prompt and I couldn't resist it...

(Love the icon!)


someplacetobe December 29 2011, 13:53:34 UTC
I quite liked this; it felt very Mels!


honeynoir December 30 2011, 21:04:33 UTC
As long as it felt even a little bit like Mels, I'm happy!


someplacetobe December 31 2011, 13:30:38 UTC
Rest assured, it was very Mels!


mewiet December 31 2011, 01:35:16 UTC
Fabulous Mels does not get enough love! I keep hoping she'll get another cameo in a future episode, I loved her!

Anyway, love the way you had Eleven dying to know about what Mels was like as she grew up in Leadworth. That is just so him. lol I was wondering how you were going to get around Amelia not recognizing him though. The flu makes sense. I'm sure Amy got it and then gave it to Rory. Kudos on the language: the whole tone was very Eleveny. And you had Mels spot on with the flirtation and sexual innuendo. (Her essay! OMTime Lady! But her retort: “It’s about a physical response attributable to hormones, properly punctuated, written on a computer, and submitted on time. It’s an essay.” It was such a Time Lord thing to say. Perfect!)

And normally I'm not into Teacher/Student fics, but this works. A) Eleven isn't really a teacher, B) Mels isn't really a student, C) Mels is at least about 45 even if she's parading as 18. Honestly, I would've loved if Mels had kissed him more than she did. (I kind of want AU!Mels/Eleven now.)


honeynoir January 2 2012, 20:43:52 UTC
I keep hoping she'll get another cameo in a future episode, I loved her!
It can’t be that hard to put her in a flashback, can it?

Anyway, love the way you had Eleven dying to know about what Mels was like as she grew up in Leadworth. That is just so him. lol I was wondering how you were going to get around Amelia not recognizing him though. The flu makes sense.
The part about him wanting to know more about Mels was part of the prompt, so I can’t take very much credit for it, but if it was in character I’m happy! The only other explanation for Amy not being there I could come up with was her skipping school for a week, and the flu seemed a lot more plausible. And of course she gave it to Rory. ;)

And you had Mels spot on with the flirtation and sexual innuendo.

Honestly, I would've loved if Mels had kissed him more than she did. (I kind of want AU!Mels/Eleven now.)
I actually tried to write more kissing, but this Eleven was so jumpy I couldn’t make it work, sadly. :( (I kind of want that too.)


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