fandom musings

Jul 18, 2012 22:01

Another reason for me not to participate in big bangs is the anon meme. It would be extremely difficult for me to avoid the urge to go on that thing and say terrible, awful things about my own fic. I can't even imagine how much I would hate whatever fic I eventually wound up writing, and the meme seems like a fantastic place to go and vent about it ( Read more... )


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honeylocusttree July 19 2012, 02:23:30 UTC
I honestly didn't think about it much, but guickreaver mentioned something about it to me and I got curious and went looking. It seems like they (the one I was looking at, seems like there's been more than one?) have individual postings for new challenges, and then comment threads within the post for each individual work. So it's kind of fun to go through and read old posts for really bad fics because they can be pretty hilarious. But when I saw some of the stuff for summergen get posted I wondered what I would do if mine did, and I realized it would be a prefect opportunity to vent about how much I hate that thing. And one thought led to another, and, well...yeah ( ... )


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honeylocusttree July 19 2012, 02:40:48 UTC
The creepiest thing of all? Apparently in RPF it's actually a thing people do where they use find/replace and change the lead character/s to the name(s) of whoever is the reader's favorite real actual living human person/people. (So they can have the setting and premise but with whatever real person they personally like best in their fic.)

Because the characterization in the fic has nothing to do with the person in question, so the only thing that has to be changed is the name.


bellatemple July 19 2012, 03:31:46 UTC
I've actually never even been tempted. Even with, say, The Mad Road, in which the plot really DOES fall apart and have to get stitched back together with macguffins.

For me, the anon meme is pretty much the only place in fandom where I might get real constructive criticism, and I refuse to adulterate that by wading in, myself. I craaaaaaaaaave it. I get my venting out in private conversations, random logged in comment threads, and my own journal.


honeylocusttree July 19 2012, 03:37:28 UTC
I have to say having looked at various threads, there's a surprising lack of anything identifiably having to do directly with what a fic writer might say about their own stuff--positively or negatively. I guess that speaks to a certain amount of forbearance that actually seems a little surprising. Either that or I'm not looking in the right places.

Maybe I could just make up random kinks and go on and bitch about how my fics don't fulfill them. "What?? Nobody wears a kilt in this at all? Pass!"


bellatemple July 19 2012, 03:41:22 UTC
I suspect they'll smell a troll -- but then, they may do that even if you're giving a real opinion.

This is admittedly the place where I was informed that were I a real writer, I'd be able to convince the self-professed "anti-fan" of one of my crossed over fandoms to love the characters she hates from said fandom. But it's also the spot that gave fair weighing to the aforementioned macguffin factory a couple years ago, picking out both the things I hated it for, and many that I forgot I managed to do halfway decently.


honeylocusttree July 19 2012, 03:49:31 UTC
Hmm, is being a 'real writer' like being a 'true fan'? That sounds like one of those arbitrary designations that only the person making the distinction is allowed to award.


kalliel July 19 2012, 03:41:45 UTC
I've only ever posted one comment to the anonymeme, and it was "Only as much sense as the part you've read," or something to that effect. It was in my own Big Bang thread, directed at someone who wanted to know if the remainder of the fic made sense. It wasn't, at that point, out of fic!hate or wanting to be disparaging for the sake of disparaging. It was a completely objective, helpful comment! XD


honeylocusttree July 19 2012, 03:51:01 UTC
Aww, everyone on my f-list is so nice and non-trollish. What's wrong with you guys??

I'm all alone on my island of facetiousness...bah.


kalliel July 19 2012, 03:55:05 UTC
FACETIOUSNESS ALWAYS GETS ME IN TROUBLE. It's like being the person trying pot for the first time, and then being the only one to get caught!


honeylocusttree July 19 2012, 03:57:20 UTC
The key to dealing with getting caught is to be even more facetious. Keep going until you draw blood.

I know what you mean though. It gets tiring after a while and you just want to go back to your life and not deal with the trolls. So discretion really is probably the better part of valor in this case.

I feel that I have grown as a person today. :D


888mph July 19 2012, 03:50:52 UTC
*comes back from being hours lost in the anon-meme because of this post*

I just found out I have a hater obsessed with me!


honeylocusttree July 19 2012, 03:55:11 UTC
I'm sorry! Also really? Good lord.

It's worse than tvtropes isn't it? Just...time slips away from you.

Anyway, there's a reason they say 'never listen to the critics.' It's hard for me to take those people that seriously. The genuine criticisms get lost in a hail of weird kink obsessions and it all kind of runs together.


888mph July 19 2012, 03:59:09 UTC
*shrugs* In everyone of those memes there's always someone who calls me the craziest in the fandom (and promptly gets ignored by everyone else, because seriously!), so either they have a really weird issue with me or they are obsessed with the fact that I got kicked out of ONTD.


quickreaver July 19 2012, 04:21:44 UTC
I'm frankly terrified to go there after tomorrow (when Moni and I post our BB.) I probably won't for a good long while. I'll be too fragile, though normally my hide is as thick as a rhino's.

And I'll never post there; I don't believe in anonymous sniping and if I have something to say, typically I say it. Now, all that aside, I have found valuable concrit there that was honest and not rude. I've also been called "not the sharpest crayon on the box." To which someone responded: ಠ_ಠ

Thank you, someone! You are quite the awesome.

If you tend towards tenderness, steer clear. You just never know what'll pop up.


honeylocusttree July 19 2012, 13:06:47 UTC
Aww, I saw very nice things about your art. But there is the issue of hiding behind anonymity, so that kind of raises some doubts about the legitimacy of what gets said there. I know I'd be 1000xs snarkier if I didn't have to worry about repercussions (said repercussions including hurt feelings) so stuff is probably stated in much crueler ways than it needs to be.

Anyway, my feelings about fannish activities in general still stand. I'm not doing it to be internet famous, or to please anyone else (obv. or I wouldn't write the stuff I do). So meh. I do what I want, etc.

I probably won't go looking for anything related to my own stuff because frankly I don't want to know what the average porn reader thinks of my non-porn stuff. They gave some glowing reviews to some fics I wasn't even kind of impressed with.


quickreaver July 19 2012, 18:42:09 UTC
So meh. I do what I want, etc.

Yanno, this really resonates. For pete's sake, IT'S FANSTUFF. It's self-indulgent by its very nature and if that isn't anyone else's cuppa, so be it.

I like you and your unpopular opinions.


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