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honeylocusttree May 6 2012, 22:19:41 UTC
I was a big fan of it, back in the day. Had the entire series.

You may remember (or not) a little manga publisher called TokyoPop. For a while it was something else, though I forget what, and they brought a bunch of unusual comics to the US, along with the Sailor Moon manga. The original English translation of Parasyte was one. It's since been retranslated and republished by some other company, though I checked it out once and didn't like the quality of the writing as well.

Anyway, it was an interesting coming-of-age horror story. With some pretty creepy subplots. Fun!


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honeylocusttree May 6 2012, 22:26:28 UTC
This seems to work pretty well:


I'm gonna have to reread it myself now, at least for a bit.


quickreaver May 6 2012, 23:58:48 UTC
Now THAT will give you nightmares...


honeylocusttree May 7 2012, 00:16:09 UTC
I remember some fairly creepy stuff, though nothing quite matched the female parasite who gave birth and kept her baby in a dark closet as an experiment. That was horrifying on a completely different level.


rbmi_fan May 7 2012, 00:08:02 UTC
Hah! I remember that manga. I'd never made that connection before, but you're totally right. The parasites would have made awesome Leviathans.


honeylocusttree May 7 2012, 00:15:10 UTC
Tho' actually I think they came across as colder much more alien and frankly a lot scarier than the Levis. Maybe due to the nature of the art, I dunno. Possible due to the setting, where they're the only monsters in an otherwise aggressively normal world.

I wonder which would win in a fight?


rbmi_fan May 7 2012, 00:33:30 UTC
Also the media environment. It's been a few years since I read Parasyte, but there was definitely stuff that might not be allowed on television. Or at least on CW.

You make a good point with the setting. In SPN, the Levis are just another in a line of monsters who want to destroy humanity as we know it. In Parasyte the entire story was about the difference between the parasites and the humans. The Levis are perfectly capable of passing themselves off as human. The parasites were most emphatically not capable of that early on. They more closely resembled the changelings from 'The Kids are Alright' when they tried, I think. And I think the parts I remember most clearly had to do with the parasite in the MC's hand, and learning what made him tick. And how, the more the MC came to understand him the more cut off he got from his peers. That's where a lot of the alienness came from, for me ( ... )


honeylocusttree May 7 2012, 03:49:29 UTC
I've been reading through a scanlation, and what really strikes me is that in all the scenes where somebody is killed, they all just *stand there*. They're confronted with something horrific and their brains just don't seem to process it and so they don't react, at all.

It's creepy because that's probably what would actually happen. Eesh.

Yeah, I think the Leviathans might be able to outthink the parasites, find their weaknesses and take them down, but in a straight fight, they might not die but at least they'd lose their heads.


4422shini May 7 2012, 03:24:55 UTC
that is pretty close to leviathans. and traumatizing. jesus. i'm going to have nightmares.


honeylocusttree May 7 2012, 03:50:11 UTC
Sorry! I left out the next panel, at least. And there are a lot of much gorier images than that one.



4422shini May 7 2012, 03:54:24 UTC
hahaha *iz traumatized*


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