
May 01, 2012 17:33

I love how every single time I come across genderswapped SPN fanart, Sam's hair is INVARIABLY THE SHORTEST.

blather, spn

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honeylocusttree May 1 2012, 21:38:54 UTC
It happens in cosplay too.




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honeylocusttree May 1 2012, 21:47:48 UTC
I find it pretty hilarious...maybe something about the characters suggests that Sam is girly enough already that he'd keep his old haircut? (Though s/he never has the sideburns...) Or people just really really like the idea of femme!Dean having long flowing blonde hair. For some reason.

Personally I'm holding out for that one clever fanartist who draws fem!Dean with Dean's regular haircut. Because that cut does exist, even for girls.

I think the genderswap thing is at least partially a way for girl fans to express their interests in femmy stuff (long hair and...fluffiness? I guess?). It's completely mysterious to me though. But there are probably real reasons for wanting Dean to be more girly than Sam. Just...I don't get it at all. *sigh*


salty_catfish May 1 2012, 22:23:37 UTC
what, my girl!dean totally has shorter hair. xDD


honeylocusttree May 1 2012, 22:29:48 UTC
Well that's 1 to like 5 billion. A step in the right direction, though, methinks.

Link? I'm not sure I've seen that one.


honeylocusttree May 1 2012, 22:51:52 UTC
Never mind. Found it!

And may I say--this is exactly what I want to see when people do genderswapped Dean and you complete me.

That is all.

(P.S.: So far browser issues have prevented me from following you on Tumblr--or anyone else. I'm annoyed about this.)


salty_catfish May 2 2012, 08:28:44 UTC
hahaha what browser do you use? you're on mac, aren't you?
the sketch is quite boring I may have to try a pic with sam and more character the next time /o\

The thing with genderswapped Dean is that you have to answer the questions whether for Dean it's more about the intensity of the performance (which can then be applied to being 'girly') or also about the content of the performance (being butch). I think both interpretations are valid but I've seen too much girl!Dean in shorts in my life and my Dean certainly wouldn't enjoy the abrasions.


roque_clasique May 1 2012, 22:29:40 UTC
LOL, I don't think I've ever seen that phenomenon!


honeylocusttree May 1 2012, 22:45:07 UTC
Once you see it you can't stop seeing it.

This was the first one where I noticed it. And then...more than probably 60% of the time, it seems to be the case. In different art. I actually posted this today because I came across a wholly unrelated sketch of them and yes, Dean had some kind of mullet-ponytail combination going on and Sam had a bob.

Also saw it in a cosplay. Girl!Dean clearly had a ponytail. I snickered.


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honeylocusttree May 2 2012, 22:27:05 UTC
I saw the unedited version first and when I saw the edit I went, "I was gonna ask about that."

I mean I respect the artistic ability here, but hokey smokes, Batman.


bellatemple May 1 2012, 23:07:03 UTC
I've totally seen it go both ways, and I could absolutely BS my way through an explanation for it based on characterization.

That said, one of my favorite genderswap fics I've seen involves Dean's hair not growing when he's swapped (since, you know, long hair is not actually a secondary sexual characteristic. . . .) and thus him being described as having a "pixie cut".


honeylocusttree May 1 2012, 23:11:36 UTC
Does femme!Sam ever have the sideburns? 'Cuz that'd be *awesome*.

I feel like the fics I've worked up the nerve to look at go both ways, and I've probably seen the one you're thinking of. It just started to really *stand out* in the art, to the degree that it seems like it's the rule, rather than the exception.

I honestly think that the main reason is that Sam's hair being as it is now is so integral to the character, any change would seem sacrilege. And people seem to like the idea of Dean with flowing blonde locks.

Just once I'd like to see one where Sam's hair is down to her ass. Or the floor. JUST ONCE.


bellatemple May 1 2012, 23:12:29 UTC
Once JPad puts Sam in a ponytail, I'm sure it'll happen. ;D


honeylocusttree May 1 2012, 23:14:20 UTC
Oh god I was watching 7x04 while "working" on my JPN HW and had to stop and go back to look at this one scene of truly awful hair.

You're really hankerin' for that ponytail, aren't you? You should write to him about that. I bet he'd do it.


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