(no subject)

Dec 26, 2011 17:34

Gift-fic time! This izzz...

~*For babydracky!*~

Title: Sneak
Pairing: Josh/Lij
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Don't own!
Synopsis: Her request: Some spanking for Christmas? Because Elijah has been such a naughty boy? ;)

Josh knew better, so it was his fault.

“I can trust you, right?”

“Yes. Go on, the grocery store closes at six, and it's five-twenty.”

“And you don't wanna go with?”

“Ugh, no, I'm fuckin' wasted.”

“A'right... and I can trust you.”

There was the smallest pang of guilt Elijah felt as he brought the small wrapped item into the kitchen. It was put down on the counter and the kettle was grabbed, filled then put on the stovetop to heat. 'He trusts you,' the angel-Elijah on his right shoulder said, while the little red devil-Elijah on the left giggled maniacally...

'His fault, his fault!' A quirky grin tickled Elijah's lips. As if Josh didn't know what exactly anticipation did to Elijah. Whether it was a trip to McDonald's and running into a traffic jam or his cock getting whispered kisses instead of thoroughly sucked dry, Elijah didn't know the meaning of the word 'patience'. But even worse than being in bed with a teasing, sly young man was a birthday or holiday-Christmas being the current topic. What was even worser-worse was the fact that one present had been put under the tree for him, instead of a bunch. To some, that would be depressing-for Elijah?

He'd made sure to gaze into the window Cartier's, long and obvious enough for Josh to notice. Laden down with bags, Josh had went over to ask what Elijah was looking at. “Oh... just that,” Elijah had casually replied, pointing to the gorgeous three-ringed pendant necklace of white, yellow and pink gold.

“Yea, cool. Hannah would probably love it.”

'Oh, for fuck's sake...!' Elijah had thought as Josh asked if he wanted to check it out. “N'aw, let's get lunch,” Elijah had said, disappointed. Along the way to their favorite cafe, Josh had prattled on about what to get his brother, how cold it was going to get that night... his poker face was impeccable, that much Elijah knew. Either he hadn't bought the neon-signed clue Elijah had put up for sale or he'd be going back to the shop when Elijah wasn't looking. Anticipation. Surprise. Christ, he hated it.

Just the idea that Josh had LEFT him here without taking the gift with him was ridiculous. There was only one sleep until Christmas morning, but that was too long. One present-that was it-which didn't mean Josh didn't care, but that he'd cared enough to make sure that one present was especially-special. THAT meant that the steaming-hot kettle was being brought to the counter and the beautifully wrapped box was put over the stream of steam coming from the spout. Even Elijah's mother had warned Josh to never leave him alone with presents he wasn't supposed to open. 'The fools!' Elijah thought, complete with maniacal, evil laughter.

'But you mustn't! Put it down, before it's too la--'

“Shush,” Elijah told angel-Elijah as the tape began peeling free. The folded edge of the wrapping came open and was taken from the heat quickly. All he needed was to slip the box out, peek in, gasp in happy, secret surprise then slide it back in to tape up and stick back under the tree. With a big smile, Elijah lifted the lid, looked in then frowned deeply.

You little fucker. the small note sitting inside said. “Wha...”

“KNEW it.”

Elijah whirled around on his heels, eyes open wide to stare in shock at Josh, who was standing in the hallway leading to the side porch. “I-I-just...”

“You're just being the sneaky bastard you are, I know. I KNEW,” Josh replied. His expression was a mix of triumph, mischief and anger. Wanting the young man to settle on the most desirable reaction, Elijah did his best to pout and shrug a shoulder up to mock innocence.

“It was all. Your. Fault,” Elijah playfully replied. “Leaving me here alone with a present. Like you haven't been warned.”

Josh raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms. “Really?”


“I see. So. Do you like your present?”

Elijah pursed his lips. With a one-shouldered shrug, he said, “You know me too well. And apparently, you're a ninja. Come in from the side door?”

“Mmhmm. I drove two houses down, parked and sneaked back in. Call it an experiment,” Josh replied. “And the results... oh, Lijah, Lijah, Lijah...”

Elijah knew the young man wasn't honestly pissed-off-or he HOPED, at least. He decided to test the waters with a small smile and cock of his hips. “It just shows that you know me and love me anyway.”

“You think?”

“I know.”

“Cocky lil' man, eh? You think you're reeeeal cute right now, don't you?” Josh said, dragging out the words for effect. Elijah shrugged a little; Josh clucked his tongue and stepped away from the hallway. “Well, sweetheart... it's not 'cute'. It's very, very naughty.”

Oh. This could mean a thousand different things, most of which appealed to Elijah in a big way. “Does that mean Santa won't come down the chimney?” he asked with mock shock.

“Oh, he'll be coming by. With a big bag of coal to stuff into your stocking.”

“Aw, no...”

“Yep. But that ain't the only punishment you're gonna get.”

Before Elijah could ask any more questions, Josh all but jumped at him, grabbed his arm and whirled him around towards the living room. Elijah gasped and stumbled straight into the couch arm Josh directed him at; with a yelp, he was pushed against it at the waist, sending his face to the cushions below-his legs flying up and backside put in the perfect position...

“OH!” Elijah said in a loud gasp as Josh made a good, solid smack! over Elijah's ass. His wide, splayed-open hand was large enough to encompass both cheeks, delivering a skin-tingling, hot sting. Elijah pressed his hands into the couch below to offer resistance at the next blow, wanting to feel the smack-down in full. “Josh, no!” he yelped, making sure Josh knew he'd really meant, “Please, more, more, more...”

“Sorry, lil' boy...” Josh said in a thrumming murmur as he lifted Elijah's hips up to undo his belt, button and zip; Elijah's eyes went wide as saucers as his jeans and jockeys were tugged down to his knees in one strong jerk. “...Be grateful I got to you before Santa did. That perv would be MUCH crueler.”

The spanking continued, this time skin-to-skin. Josh's other hand was braced over the back of Elijah's neck to hold him still, as if Elijah would pass up the opportunity to have his lover 'play' with him like this. Elijah still made a show of squealing and squirming of course, knowing that Josh rather enjoyed forcing Elijah to submit-enjoyed working for it. Josh was an expert in bringing Elijah right to that edge, razor-thin and exciting, where pain was pleasure and force was comfort. He knew exactly when to stop; Elijah stiffened at the feel of beaten skin going red-hot, which had Josh let up on the spanking to rub his hand over his sore ass. Josh sighed, moved to Elijah's side and knelt down to whisper, “You're gonna feel this one. Mom's gonna wonder why her little boy keeps squirming at the dinner table tomorrow.”

Elijah bit his lower lip and hummed, the ability to speak stolen when Josh began swirling a fingertip over his anus. “If I didn't know any better, you were naughty on purpose. Like you wanted to be caught,” Josh said. “Fuck knows I hoped to find you breaking the rules.”

“Ohh-ohh...” Elijah moaned as his ass was lightly breached by Josh's insistent digit, going from teasing to greedy in how it climbed inside. If this was punishment, he didn't know what he'd have gotten if he'd been good. Elijah strained his head to look over his shoulder at the young man's work. When Josh slid his fingers down to cup his balls, Elijah grunted and pushed back to show off his want. Josh smirked.

“Shameless,” he said before bringing a second finger inside. Once sheathed, a small but rough thrusting began. Josh knew Elijah's body by heart by now, of course, so it was no problem finding the bundle of nerves along the inner walls. Elijah's eyes crossed and he put his head back.

“H-Harder,” he pleaded. “Please, Josh, har-harder...”

It had to be the cruelest act, Josh's stopping everything--fingers slipped out and he sat back on his heels, giving Elijah a narrow-eyed look. “And here I thought I was punishing you.”

Elijah parted his lips and moved onto his side. “You... you are!”

“But you WANT it.” Josh grinned wide and clucked his tongue. “Rotten lil' boy.”

“Fuck, you can't DO that!”

“You can't open presents before Christmas, so we're even.”

No. Elijah was NOT having this. The jeans were kicked off and he moved off the couch to crawl into Josh's lap. “You want it. Don't lie,” Elijah said an inch from Josh's lips.

“Sure I do. But I gotta teach you a lesson,” Josh replied. He usually couldn't keep his hands off of a naked, flushed Elijah, but was somehow managing to stay calm and still-unaffected.

“So teach me. Throw me down, shove my ass open and fuck it.” Elijah made a quick lick over Josh's lips and snarled. “Do it.”

“Got a better idea,” Josh said. He reached between them to his jeans' button and zip, undoing both in a flash. He moved Elijah off and brought out his cock, painfully hard already, and quirked an eyebrow. “Suck me off-we'll see if it's penance enough.”

More games; as if Elijah didn't enjoy gagging himself on Josh's gorgeous dick every chance he got. Still, he put on a pout as he lowered down to put his stomach and groin to the floor, lift himself up onto his elbows and take the long, thick organ past his lips. 'God damn it, TOUCH me...' he begged at Josh in his mind, wanting those talented hands to run all over his body as he did the deed-but nothing doing.

“Mmm, uh huh...” Josh said in a breath. Elijah heard the spark of a lighter and the smell of smoke...

'Oh, you rat bastard,' he thought. Apparently, Josh was giving it his all when it came to tormenting Elijah with his ho-hum, casual nature in having a cigarette while getting an expert blowjob. Not. Fair. Elijah snarled around his sucking motions, dragging out the moment every time he slid his mouth back to the tip. At the third pass, he felt the familiar shudder of Josh's body-it wouldn't be long now before Josh groaned, pushed Elijah away and ended it all with a wild, feral fucking.

Yet more 'fun surprises' were in store, however. Just as Josh made the signature groan, Elijah was indeed pushed away, but his hair was grabbed to keep his face a few inches from the pre-come leaking head. Elijah almost gasped in dismay as Josh began jerking himself off fast, and before he knew it, the young man was emptying his orgasm straight onto Elijah's face. “Fuuuck...” Josh drawled as his hand slowed to a stop. Elijah narrowed his eyes as he watched the afterglow-grin come on.

“You. Are a bastard,” Elijah said.

“And you... are a miracle-worker, boy,” Josh replied before patting Elijah's cum-covered cheek and standing up. He whistled happily while getting his jeans back in order. “I hadn't lied-I DO need to get some things from the store.”

“Yea? They're CLOSED now, motherfucker,” Elijah spat back. Josh had the goddamned nerve to giggle.

“Not the Dali-Mart the next block over, they're Hindu. Back in a jiff.”




“Come on, babe...”

Elijah put on the expression of an angry toddler as he shut the dishwasher door, flicked the switch and sent their dishes to clean-land. “I SAID...” Elijah turned fast, intent on staying mad at his 'that was a good dinner, let's watch TV' boyfriend; but in seeing the little box Josh was holding out to him, he stopped to stare at it.

“It's twelve-oh-one. Merry Christmas,” Josh said with an impish grin.

Elijah flicked his eyes from the present to Josh a few times before taking it. “What is it? Another cute 'note'?”

“Open it, find out.”

It was a little ridiculous, putting on this act. Elijah wasn't really mad at Josh, just sulking and blue-balls grumpy. 'You deserve it, you naughty boy!' angel-Elijah chided him. A small smile tickled Elijah's lips as he unwrapped the paper, lifted the lid and looked in. “Oh. You're NOT an idiot,” he exclaimed in seeing the coveted necklace sitting on the cotton square.

“I just keep secrets better than you,” Josh replied.

All sexual-angst forgotten, Elijah gladly allowed the young man to take the jewelry and go behind him to clasp it around his neck. The thick, soft leather lacing felt heavy and comfortable upon his skin; Elijah turned his head and sighed. “I'm sorry,” he said.

“For what?”

“For being sneaky.”

Josh rolled his tongue around in his mouth before wrapping his arms around Elijah and nuzzling his nose against his temple. “I like you sneaky,” he said.

“Mmm... want YOUR present?” Elijah asked.

“Mmm-mmm.” Josh shook his head and slipped his hands down to the line of Elijah's groin. “Tomorrow. I like waiting... and I ain't done giving yet.”

chrimbo gift fic 2011

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