Title: The Cream In Your Coffee Pairing: C/Z Rating: NC-17 Synopsis: Casey learns about coffee. And smex. Disclaimer: Do. Not. Own. Author's Note: My Indonesian friends might know a bit of what goes on in here... ;)
“But I just used up almost five-hundred fucking DOLLARS of your cat-shit coffee!” Casey almost screeched out.
I've heard about this little creature and how the coffee beans are so enhanced flavorwise after passing through it's system. But I think I'll stick to plain ol' arabica. But I will say again that you are the absolute QUEEN of Zeke/Casey deliciousness. Thank you Honey!
I've eaten some weird stuff in my life, like sauteed grasshoppers, but I'm not sure I'd want to taste that coffee... Casey's ass, in the other hand... *ponders* Seriously, that was hot, funny AND educational! What more could I ask for? Thank you!:D
Comments 48
You're a tease though ;P would love to read more (A)
Thank you, hon! I LOVE doing it, of course. ;)
I've heard about this little creature and how the coffee beans are so enhanced flavorwise after passing through it's system. But I think I'll stick to plain ol' arabica. But I will say again that you are the absolute QUEEN of Zeke/Casey deliciousness. Thank you Honey!
Coffee is just so good XD And I won't even talk about Zeke's addiction XD
Awww! Thanks for that one!
That was a lovely story, hon. All warm and funny and first-timey. And so educational! You learn something new every day around here.
Seriously, that was hot, funny AND educational! What more could I ask for? Thank you!:D
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