Title: The Cream In Your Coffee Pairing: C/Z Rating: NC-17 Synopsis: Casey learns about coffee. And smex. Disclaimer: Do. Not. Own. Author's Note: My Indonesian friends might know a bit of what goes on in here... ;)
Some varieties--from what I'd read, anyway, can be as low as FIVE bucks a cup. But I had Zeke get the GOOD shit. *laffs at her lame pun* Thank you bebby!! *hug*!
(only perhaps a little part near the end... *giggles*)
Oh, deary. You're amazing. Do you have this kopi luwak with you? It's that expensive there, huh? (I don't know how much here, though. I've never had it yet.)
Oh, Honey, love. Thank you so much for writing this. Apart from the kopi thingy, your Casey and Zeke are always exceptional.
Ohhhh! What pretty flowers!! *hugs them to her chest* Thanks SO MUCH!! *loves on you*!! As for the coffee, no WAY have I tried it. A fifty buck coffee is almost NEVER a priority! LOL! It IS sold in small cafes in big cities, as far as I know. Is it really, REALLY common to drink in Indonesia?
"five-hundred fucking DOLLARS of your cat-shit coffee!” Out of a mongoose's ass!! OMG...hysterical!! You crack me up..and then to turn it around to Zeke's tongue and obviously Casey loved that since he came twice in 5 minutes...snorts... I was freakin smiling like some dumbass reading this. I even was giggling. I Loved it!!!!! you are such a wicked creative girl... Harvesting poop for coffee...snorts...I keep seeing Casey's face. xoxoxox v
Comments 48
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Thanks so much, hons! Glad to give a giggle!! *smushy smush*
I've heard about that coffee! I think that after reading this I'd have to try it hehehehhehe :D *adores your prony brain!* :D
Thank you bebby!! *hug*!
Uhm, I've never heard of Kopi Luwak :)
Awww! aww! aww!
(only perhaps a little part near the end... *giggles*)
Oh, deary. You're amazing. Do you have this kopi luwak with you? It's that expensive there, huh? (I don't know how much here, though. I've never had it yet.)
Oh, Honey, love. Thank you so much for writing this. Apart from the kopi thingy, your Casey and Zeke are always exceptional.
( ... )
As for the coffee, no WAY have I tried it. A fifty buck coffee is almost NEVER a priority! LOL! It IS sold in small cafes in big cities, as far as I know. Is it really, REALLY common to drink in Indonesia?
*Hugs MORE*!!
I think it can be easily found in stores. But I don't know. It's famous from the city where Illyria lives. :D
Out of a mongoose's ass!! OMG...hysterical!! You crack me up..and then to turn it around to Zeke's tongue and obviously Casey loved that since he came twice in 5 minutes...snorts...
I was freakin smiling like some dumbass reading this. I even was giggling. I Loved it!!!!!
you are such a wicked creative girl... Harvesting poop for coffee...snorts...I keep seeing Casey's face.
xoxoxox v
*hugs* Thanks for your love, sweetness!! *hugs AGAIN*!!
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