Grey's Anatomy slash (one shot ficlet): coming back for more, rated: R, George/Alex

Apr 27, 2007 10:54

Title: Coming back for more
Author: homo_genius A.K.A. pikapika217
Pairing: Alex/George, George/ Unknown male intern, mention of Alex/Izzie
Rating: R, to be safe
Summary: Alex starts to wonder just what it is about George that keeps him so enthralled
Disclaimer: Not mine, or this would be canon
Author's note: Alex P.O.V. I was inspired by sex-crazed grieving pre-marriage George. You'll understand. Also, It's George and Alex that get quarantined in that one episode instead of him & McDempsy. Same ‘verse as my 50 sentences.

Title: Coming back for more
Pairing: Grey’s Anatomy- Alex George
Rated: R

As Alex ended up meeting with George again, he can't help but wonder how it got this far.

From the very moment it started it was unusual. It was during the first few weeks when he stumbled in on George getting head from another intern. A male intern. And it wasn’t really the George he’d known. Oh no, this George was fiercely grabbing the back of the other man's neck, and grunting like a predator as he continued to shove him down. His eyes were dark as well, staring down with a startling intensity as he replayed his prior motions. Needless to say, Alex was fixated.

A few moments later, he watched as the then unknown fearsome George melted away as he spilled down the other man’s throat. He helped him up and then pulled him closer, grazing their lips together before kissing his forehead and sending the other, who looked out of sorts, but happy, on his way before leaving himself. Alex was dumbfounded and it wasn't until the other two left that he realized that somewhere along watching them, he'd gotten an erection. And that was when the obsession began.

He wondered where exactly this George came from: What caused him to surface? Is this how he truly is, or is it just an alter-ego? Alex needed to know, because while he found the other George a bit whiney and mopey, that George? Was HOT. Beyond hot, even. He had to meet him for himself. He figured the best way to go would be name calling, and so 'fetus' and 'bambi' were born. Granted, he knew it might take some time before they got to him, but after a year or so, there was no change, so he tried to give up on it. hey: he was a happy bi-sexual, and there was always Izzie to go after. She was cute, quite do-able and more importantly, he would be able to maybe watch George a bit closer. But he got antsy with Izzie and somehow ended up going back to Olivia, so that didn't end well.

It was then the dreams started. Well, more like altered memories of that night. Sometimes, he’d just be watching like he had, while other times, he'd join them, or would replace the other intern, which was weird for Alex, because he was no bottom. But for that George, he just might. Eventually, he just snapped and during the quarantine, he assaulted George with kisses. George, in turn, began to blush rapidly as the kisses lead to the removal of scrubs and kisses on his abdomen. Alex smirked at this: where was that Fierce George now? But before they could really get into it, the quarantine was lifted and they only had just enough time to agree to continue it elsewhere, later on that night, and get dressed.

They started up again easily, but this time the other George had come out to play, slamming him against the wall of the communal showers, stomach facing the still damp showers, as he shoved Alex's scrubs down below his ass, and began the dirty talk, spoken in a spine chillingly sex low voice.

"You like that, don’t you slut? I know you do" He nibbled on Alex ear as he pressed his own erection along the line that separated Alex's cheeks. Grabbing some sort of lubricant from one of his pockets, George wasted no time with preparation or foreplay, instead just sticking himself in. That was when the growling started. Alex wanted to talk back, to say something but all he could do was moan. And moan. And moan, as he heard the somewhat devious chuckle in his ears that came with George slamming in and out of him with great frequency.

When his right hand reached around and grabbed Alex, his left hand roaming sporadically up and down Alex's torso and pecks, he knew he wouldn’t last much longer, and was proven right as he came with a whimper staining the bathroom wall. George finished soon after, and began to kiss the back of his neck before pulling out, and leaving. But not before he whispered 'Who's bambi now?' ever so crudely into his spine.

That was what the first time was like. Afterward, he pretty much became George's bitch, but happily. They had sex in the most random places in the hospital: the bottom of the stair case, some of the on-call rooms, on the floor of the observation area above the O.R., but this would be the first time it was actually at someone place. They meet at the bar and ended up at his place, barely making it to the bed before being completely naked. Alex was nervous for a moment because it would mark their first time outside of the hospital. During this whole.....relationship, despite the sex, nothing had really changed between them. They had started to talk more, but that was usually as foreplay. But he would make it the same: light groping, sharp, heart-stoppingly great sex and a quick pull out, followed by leaving. It didn't bother Alex at first, but after awhile, he wanted more than just the sex., thouh he’d never say it. But as George actually prepped him for once, Alex wondered: 'will that spark still be there?'

Hell yeah it was! Only this time, George was slower, more gentle, caressing every part of him as he slid in and out. The other George and the regular George seemed to both be there in that moment, which definitely was another turn-on for Alex. They both finished around the same time, George whispering praise into his neck as he pulled out slowly and cleaned them off. As he did this, Alex was more than a bit confused.

"What?" George said, nearly laughing in that adorable way he does. "What is it?"

"You're still here, and cleaning me off at that. Aren’t you supposed to still be using you growly sex voice and leaving me by now?" He smirked as he said it. Truthfully, he was happy George hadn't left him yet. Everything else was just icing on the cake.

"Oh, that." He smiled back. "I only left because we didn’t have a lot of time at the hospital to do any of this properly. I didn’t think you'd want the others to find out. But I was thinking maybe we should tell them about us. I mean, we’ve been doing this for a few months now." He had crawled back up to me by then, kissing the base of my neck.

"And what is 'this' exactly? I mean, we've only really had sex these months. What, am I your boyfriend or something?" He was trying to frown and sound stubborn. He was failing miserably.

"If you want to be" George only said, already knowing the answer. He knew that was what he wanted. When had George completely figured him out?

"Whatever" Alex was still trying to save face, but it wasn’t working. "Just don’t hog all of the covers"

"Yeah, yeah. Love you too, Alex" He shifted before falling asleep, his back pressed on Alex’s stomach, who just smiled. Maybe this was why he kept coming back to him, because he knew something more was just lurking under the surface. But as he fell asleep, Alex sighed contently, realizing none of it really mattered.


Yay! I really like this one the concept of Bottom!Alex is always intriguing, and when Callie talked about how hungry for sex George was, an alter ego immediately came to mind. This has to be my favorite fic of them though. I’m quite proud of it.

But what did you think? Let me know and add your reply.

Well, that’s all for now!

Till later,

Bye Bye Boo!

george/alex, ficlet, fic, grey's slash

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