The Daily Show Real person Slash: Oral Frustration Demetri/Jon (Jemetri!) Rated R

Apr 08, 2007 21:06

Title: Oral frustration
Author: homo_genius A.K.A. pikapika217
Pairing: Jon/Demetri, Jon/John Oliver one line mention of Jon/Anderson & Jon/Stephen
Rating: R
Summary: A certain phallic-shaped straw drives Jon crazy
Author's note: Takes place before, directly after and a few weeks past the episode that featured Demetri’s Serious, Important News segment.

Disclaimer: Any similarity between the fictional version of the person portrayed here and the actual person is purely coincidental. This is a work of fiction. This is not an attempt to defame the character of said person on the basis of libel, as the work is FICTIONAL (and NOT an intently false statement created with the express purpose of misleading others about the actual character of said person).

Any mention of 'The Daily Show', 'Viacom', any associated entites, or any copywrited material pertaining therein is reasonably protected by the Fair Use Rule of the United States Copyright Act of 1976, and is not intended to infringe upon any copywrited material.

Title: Oral frustration
Pairing: Jon/Steven, Jon/John Oliver, Jon/Anderson, Jon/Demetri Jon P.O.V.
Rated: R

It was the slurping that had started all of this, Jon concluded finally

Demetri slurped his drinks where ever they went during the group outings or set parties. It was........distracting to Jon. Why couldn't he just sip like everyone else did, was what he always thought. But that wasn't the worst part. That would be the damn straw

The one he brought with him always. It was one he bought off of E-bay that was thuck and shaped like a rocket ship at the top. And he would slurp and lick and sip the tip of it, oblivious to how he looked. No, wait.........He HAD to know. He obviously bought it because it looked like, well, you know.....a penis. This claim of it being from his favorite show as a kid was preposterous. Jon knew this, while no one else seemed to.

It shouldn't have bothered him. In fact, no one even noticed. With all of the quirks that everyone else had, they just chalked it up to being another side of him or part of a new set from his stand-up act. But not Jon. Whenever he saw him, Jon saw the straw. Whether it was on air or when they’d see each other in the hallway, Jon could only picture him slurping that straw. It was slowly driving him crazy. To the point where it was all he thought about, even dreaming about it almost every night. But for some reason though, in his dreams, the obvious penis-straw became his penis more often than not. And his body was starting to betray him by choosing then to be aroused. Stupid Body.

And so on it went like that for 6 weeks. His balls were bluer than his favorite tie. He had to do something about it, and with Anderson hard to get to now and Stephen's being too busy to get to it, all that was left was Oliver. John had a crush on him. He didn't think Jon knew, but he overheard him talking to Larry candidly a little bit ago while their segment was airing. He thought it was kind of cute, but never thought anything of it until now.

Jon called John into his office on a bogus reason, shut and locked the door and then thrust him self onto him. John, who he was mentally called 'Ollie', practically peeled off their clothes before starting the oral. He was good. Really good. Better than Stephen, in fact, which surprised him. He wasn't sure when, but he started moaning John’s name loudly in what he later surmised at half-way through. He arms grabbed the shaggy hair as he started to pump in and out of John's mouth. It was then he remembered the sound-proofing of his office, prompted by Colbert, as he started to get closer and closer. But while his mouth was saying 'John', his mind changed the image in his head into Demetri again, slurping away, sucking ever so desperately and swallowing it all. Afterward, he just mussed John hair and sent him on his way.

And so that worked for a while, at least a month or so. John was quiet and attentive, and Jon was a lot more relaxed and happy. And still, it wasn't enough. He had sought out the easiest mouth, instead of the one he really wanted. He let John down easy, careful to completely crush his spirit. He was a nice guy that was just the easiest to use. That, and Jon couldn't imagine a better British correspondent. He shouldn't lose a good employee over something like this.

It didn't take him long to get closer to Demetri, but getting him to have sex was a different story. He still insisted that the straw was not a ulterior motive. Preposterous! Moving past it though, he got Demetri to kiss him after his segment that night. Not a real kiss though, but it still counted. The real kiss occurred the following Friday, after everyone left their usual night out, but that probably had more to do with all the shots Demetri did. Jon jumped on the opportunity though, and finally got what he had been wanting. It was better than imagined, and definitely on par with John, and if this was his drunken 'performance', he had to stick around for the sober version.

He had to wait another week for that one though, after a week of sweet talking him and eventually luring him into his office the way he had John. It didn't work as well, but it worked. And he finished embarrassingly fast. He was just too good. Demetri just smirked though, and wiped his mouth while he got off of his knees and turning to leave.

Before he did though, he commented "Next time, we do this at my house" and French kissed Jon, closing the door behind him and leaving Jon with an aftertaste in his mouth. this was what he tasted like. The other guys had always swallowed, but he guessed Demetri wanted him to experience the 'flavor'. It was funny and a bit bitter, but not bad really. After all, he thought to himself, it was the taste of victory. He realized then, that he sounded like Colbert just then, and if he weren’t so happy right then, he would have mentally slapped himself. For now he-

"Hey, you coming?" Demetri popped his head back in, a grin on his face. Jon smiled back and walked out the door with him. He had no clue whether or not this relationship would become something serious. But if he could kiss as good as he blowed, Jon figured they could work something out.


This one was iffy for me while writing, but by the end it grew on me. I know everyone loves him with Stephen, but Jon/Demetri is my Daily Show OTP ^^ This was my first fic for The Daily Show, and I’m relatively knew to slashing these guys, but not slashing! I’m definitely doing more of these guys in the future. Anybody got good images of them together suitable for an icon?

Anyway, that’s all for now!

Till later,

Bye Bye boo!

ficlet, demetri/jon, fic, tds slash, real person slash

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