Do you know, do you know...[OPEN]

Feb 04, 2011 21:22

Characters: Cassandra, possibly Anathema, and anyone who comes by
Setting/Location: Ana and Cassie's Room
Date & Time: Day Fifty, Afternoon
Warnings: Possible Moodiness
Summary: Things are just not going Cassie's way these days. Doesn't help that she got very bitey. Oh well. Hopefully, something or someone will cheer her up.

...what it's like to die alive? )

cassandra of troy, anathema device, bret mcclegnie

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Comments 51

weedyshyguy February 5 2011, 03:36:23 UTC
Bret hadn't been joking when he said he wanted to give Cassandra a hug. He didn't know her too well, but he was pretty sure she wasn't doing too well.

After everything that happened, he doesn't really blame her.

As soon as he gets a chance, he makes his way to her room and knocks on the door.


cassie_of_troy February 5 2011, 03:42:33 UTC
Cassandra glanced absently at the door when she heard the knock. Frankly, she wasn't in the mood for much company, but one thing she had learned about living with a room mate was that often, the company was not really for her. It would have been rude to turn away a guest looking for Anathema, or dropping something off for her. Cassandra had never been overly polite, but she did happen to like Anathema, so she had at least attempted to be cordial when it came to her guests.

Of course, that didn't mean she felt like getting up.

She closed her eyes. "Enter," she called vaguely, making a gesture with her fingertips, as if she expected the door to spring open of its own accord. Come in and leave whatever you brought, she thought silently.


weedyshyguy February 5 2011, 03:49:30 UTC
Oh. That was kind of...worrisome. At least she was letting him in?

Bret pushed the door open, peeking in. "Uh, hey. It's me. Bret."

He took solace in the fact that she seemed to know him better than he knew her. For once, he was going to take advantage of that rather than questioning it.


cassie_of_troy February 5 2011, 03:56:06 UTC
She slowly opened her eyes. Oh. She had almost forgotten that little conversation the two of them had had over the network. At the time, her emotions had been so raw and naked (relief that Bret was all right, bitter resentment about what had happened, terror over the Apollo incident) that she hadn't really given it a lot of consideration. But she should have known better. Now Bret was here, in the last place she really wanted him, the most vulnerable place.

What the hell was she supposed to do?

Slowly, Cassandra sat up, her curls falling across her shoulder like the fronds of a windswept willow. Of course, she could simply be unpleasant. That would scare him off. But right now, Cassandra didn't feel like she had the strength to snipe and sneer and spit like a cat. And, she had to admit, there was an enormous part of her that longed for his companionship. Well, for her Bret. Not this one. But they were the same person. It was so hard.

"Come in, Bret," she said in a reserved, low voice.


thebooksaysso February 5 2011, 05:22:57 UTC
Unlike her room mate, Anathema had taken to a long, long walk around the caravan over returning to her room. After spending so long sitting in that cage (how many hours had it been? she'd lost track), she needed to stretch her legs. And, at least for the moment, avoid people. Preferably until she was sure she could run into a few certain people without breaking down into an endless string of tears and apologies.

So Cassandra was more or less greeted with a sniffle as Anathema walked into the room, leaned against the back of the door after it shut with a soft click.

And quickly wiped at her eyes when she noticed that she wasn't exactly alone in the room, but the smile she cracked at the older woman, however wavering, was warm and genuine.

"Thank god, you're out," she breathed, sounding all too relieved and for once not caring. "Possibly a silly question, I realize, but how are you feeling?"


cassie_of_troy February 5 2011, 05:27:54 UTC
Cassandra rolled on her side to look at Anathema. She was, in a way, just as comforted to see her as Anathema seemed to be in return. Still, she sensed a certain measure of trouble from her room mate. It was quite obvious to Cassandra, ever the observer, than Anathema had been crying. It was equally apparent, however, that she didn't want to address it, so Cassandra decided not to press the matter.

And on the subject of things not to be addressed...well, Cassandra didn't know how to answer Anathema's question. Not without lying. And unlike on the jungo-thingy, Cassandra couldn't very well leave the question hanging. She would have to respond somehow. "I..."

She faltered for a moment. For some reason, she felt a sudden swell inside of her chest, an urge to divulge it all. But how? "I remember more than I care to," she admitted quietly.


thebooksaysso February 5 2011, 05:42:27 UTC
The smile faded, only slightly, and what lingered took on a wry edge as she nodded at the reply. Well, that made two of them there.

A newly acquired junogam was tossed rather carelessly onto the vanity as she walked over, with the shuffling gait of someone who may have still been half asleep, and took a seat at the cluttered desk (mostly her clutter, she really did need to clean everything off again). She didn't want to pry, both because of Cassandra's clear reluctance and the chance of being pried at in return.

But she had looked so lost just moments ago.... "I don't think it's something anybody will be forgetting anytime soon, unfortunately...."


cassie_of_troy February 5 2011, 05:48:53 UTC
"I sort of hope some people will forget," Cassandra mused. Her eyes strayed from Anathema, staring out the window, where the sunlight had taken on an eerily familiar, golden hue.

She paused another moment, lingering near the brink of an event horizon. She knew it would be logical to clam up, the way she always did when she was afraid of getting too close, too attached. But at the same time, she so desperately needed someone to talk to about this, and Anathema was the closest Cassandra had ever come to having a confidant. At least, in a very long time.

With a long exhale, Cassandra let the words come spilling out. "I bit Apollo."


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