Do you know, do you know...[OPEN]

Feb 04, 2011 21:22

Characters: Cassandra, possibly Anathema, and anyone who comes by
Setting/Location: Ana and Cassie's Room
Date & Time: Day Fifty, Afternoon
Warnings: Possible Moodiness
Summary: Things are just not going Cassie's way these days. Doesn't help that she got very bitey. Oh well. Hopefully, something or someone will cheer her up.

The last few days had bled into one another. No pun intended. Cassandra was certainly not up to puns right now. At some point of which she was dimly aware, she had been returned, safe and sound and as normal as ever (a depressingly ironic thought) to the caravan and to the dim life she had started to build up there. They told her she was better now, but she very much doubted it. And so, she had no idea precisely how long she had been lying there on her bed, just staring at the way the light shifted on the ceiling. It was a profound hallmark of her displeasure that she hadn't even bothered to look at the jungo-thingy in days. She often spent hours at a time just staring at the small screen, observing everyone's interactions and making subtle judgments and observations. But today she had no taste for it.

What bothered her most, more than the awful things she had been through or seen, was the fact that she was bothered. After everything that had happened in her relatively short life, she had sort of hoped her skin was thick enough to withstand a minor setback like being turned into a vampire and biting Apollo. But that was the way of things, wasn't it? Any time she thought she was numb, something would sneak up on her, surprise her, and remind her that there was a softer side to the hardened exterior she took such pride in. It was so very annoying.

“You enjoy building up a nasty reputation, don’t you?”

She faltered. “No.” At once, she turned around and began walking away.

He followed after her, the heat of triumph in his heart as he had never felt it before in battle. “Yes, you do.”


“You enjoy putting people off!” The thought occurred to him even as he said it. It could be the only explanation for why a girl of her stature would roam around uninhibited, rolling around in the ash.

“I do not.”

“Why not?”

“Because that would be completely -”

“Crazy?” he interrupted her.

Cassandra stopped, turning around to face him again. “Are you mocking me?” she asked.

“No,” he answered, folding his arms across his chest. “I’m calling you out.”

“Calling me out?”

“You’re not crazy. Not even a little.”

Cassandra blinked the memory or dream or whatever it was away. She sighed softly. She was going to have to recover. That was the only way she could deal with whatever the world was going to throw at her next. It was just so exhausting that she didn't know if she felt up to the challenge.

cassandra of troy, anathema device, bret mcclegnie

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