When will my reflection show who I am inside?

Oct 23, 2010 22:53

Characters: specificities , rainingcereal. Let either of us know if you want to drop in and get confused.
Setting/Location: Along the corridor
Date & Time: Day 25, evening
Warnings: Neil. And Arthur. I think they each need their own warning.
Summary: Arthur arranges to show Neil around the caravan. Meeting of the JGL-clones.

Who is that girl I see, staring straight back at me? )

*style: prose, arthur, neil mccormick, *day 25

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Comments 8

THIS LOG TITLE I DONT EVEN 8) specificities October 23 2010, 21:13:32 UTC
If Neil was new, that meant he came here from - Kansas, wasn't it? While Arthur wouldn't normally being playing tour guide to newcomers, he needed to see if there was some sort of theme in everyone's arrival - regardless whether or not they were somehow individual people (maybe people that had been on the airplane) or just projections. While the caravan was large, most of its space was the rooming towers, and it wasn't as if Arthur would have to spend much time on the tour - he could focus on Neil's origin instead. He stepped into the main lobby from the tower stairwell, searching among the people present for someone who matched Neil's description ( ... )


ARE YOU DISSING DISNEY?! rainingcereal October 23 2010, 21:19:23 UTC
Neil looked up at the greeting, and then froze when he found himself looking straight at the same face he saw everyday.

"Fuck," he swore, tilting his head to one side and then the other, as if to see if the other man would follow suit. He didn't. No, not a reflection then. And then went on to catalogue the differences between them.

The dressing, definitely. The eye color. The length of hair. Arthur was older too. Well- this was-



NO MULAN IS MY FAVORITE LMFAOOO specificities October 23 2010, 21:38:38 UTC
Arthur didn't have an explanation for this, and he hated the idea of coincidence being his only explanation. This was important, somehow, this similarity - but assuming he had something in common to a prostitute seemed... rather unlikely. Projection or otherwise, this incident was beyond strange to the point of mildly uncomfortable. He cleared his throat. "Yeah," he agreed at length. He filed this away to reflect on later - whether or not he'd end up using Eames as a board was questionable. He'd like to avoid the likely inevitable teasing.

"You said you were from Kansas?" he questioned. "Is that where you were before you ended up here?"


GOOD, BECAUSE YOU NEVER DISS DISNEY. Unless you are dissing Hannah Montana, then feel free. rainingcereal October 23 2010, 23:43:30 UTC
Neil didn't think he would mind if he aged to look like Arthur. The older man was handsome, if only a little severe. Then again, age would do that to a person. Stress from work and all that.

"Hutchinson. I was back home for Christmas." He shrugged and looked around them, before turning his attention back to Arthur again.

"Is this an interrogation?"


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