When will my reflection show who I am inside?

Oct 23, 2010 22:53

Characters: specificities , rainingcereal. Let either of us know if you want to drop in and get confused.
Setting/Location: Along the corridor
Date & Time: Day 25, evening
Warnings: Neil. And Arthur. I think they each need their own warning.
Summary: Arthur arranges to show Neil around the caravan. Meeting of the JGL-clones.

Everybody (well, two people) said they sounded alike. Neil didn't think so, and obviously Arthur didn't think so either. Either that, or that there was some attraction in fucking somebody who sounded similar to you. Perhaps it was the playful thought that the people listening outside might not know what was going on.

Who knows? Arthur sounded friendly (and sexy enough) that Neil didn't mind meeting them in person. Besides, this was an enclosed area, they were meeting in a relatively public area. It would be fine. It wouldn't be Brighton Beach all over again. It would be fine.

Neil tucked his hands into his pockets, and leaned back against a wall. Waiting.

*style: prose, arthur, neil mccormick, *day 25

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