Who likes short shorts?

Jun 15, 2010 15:50

Characters: Tomo and YOU!
Setting/Location: A small way away from The Caravan, near the Oregon River.
Date & Time: Day 4; Noon
Warnings: Will be updated depending on content. Probably nothing much.
Summary: Tomo presents various crackpot theories as to how they're supposed to get across this thing. It's almost as if she doesn't know what she's ( Read more... )

atem, #style: action, sumire takahana, tomo takino, yumi shirakawa, *day 04, #style: prose

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Comments 51

keytoanewworld June 15 2010, 20:06:46 UTC
Since the Caravan didn't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon, Sumire had decided to wander outside and check out the surrounding nature to get a better idea of where she was. She figured she would be safe as long as she kept the Caravan in view.

Toying with the golden bracelet she had on her wrist, she spotted a girl in the river. The girl didn't look familiar, although she appeared close in age to Sumire, and as Sumire stepped closer to the river, she overheard the girl say something about a swimsuit. "Um, I don't think the river's safe for swimming in," Sumire called out to her.


bonkuralead June 15 2010, 22:40:15 UTC
She honestly wasn't expecting to hear another person out here, since the Cid guy who was running the Caravan has said that they weren't supposed to leave it. She didn't think anyone would actually bother to ignore his orders since he could probably kick them out. Or something like that. Hell if she knew.

Well, there she is, actually hearing someone calling out to her which shocks her into nearly face-vaulting into the water until she uses the momentum to spin herself around. Tomo puts her hands on her hips and frowns before leaning forwards slightly and cupping the same hands around her mouth. "Well I know that! I'd probably stick to the shallows anyway!"


keytoanewworld June 15 2010, 22:49:43 UTC
It wouldn't have been the first rule Sumire had broken - that would had been the rule to give up weapons to the storage room - but considering the Caravan was currently stopped, she saw no reason not to get a little fresh air.

Sumire walked a little closer to the river, although since she didn't want to take off her sandals or thigh-high socks, she didn't get into the water. She leaned forward to get a better look at the water, and she replied, "Oh. Have you seen anything weird in the water yet?"


bonkuralead June 15 2010, 23:00:32 UTC
If there's one thing Tomo is noticing, it's the other girl's reluctance to get into the river. Then she asks that question and Tomo snickers a bit, thinking she might be creeped out by whatever is in the water. She waves a hand at the girl on the shore casually. "The only thing in here are bugs and some fish. They're sooo tiny, but I think a bigger one is trying to eat my toe."

She sloshes her way over to Shore-girl and stops when the water is only pooling around her feet. She squelches her toes into the riverbed and grimaces before taking them about again, and dunking her feet back into the water. The motion splashes a small around of water around. "What's the matter? Are you afraid something's in there?"


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bonkuralead June 15 2010, 22:51:55 UTC
She doesn't really care about the bugs in the river and aside from the blank stares of all the fish, she's completely fine with them skipping around her feet. Occasionally, she flicks her toe at one of the bigger ones, a polite way for her to tell it to get away from her feet or she's going to punt it into deeper waters.

Tomo turns ar the voice, surprised to see someone else actually in the river instead of around it. She smiles widely at the girl's comment, "Everyone would've if they knew. I only got here with the stuff in my pockets and what I have on. All the clothes here kinda sucks."

Then she jabs a finger in the girls direction because even if it is rude, Tomo does like t point at things. "What're you doing n the river? I didn't think anyone was coming out here," She grins, just a bit mischievous, "Are you planning something?"


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bonkuralead June 17 2010, 15:52:59 UTC
Tomo shrugs in response, not really the kind of person to care too much about what she is wearing. "I just got the stuff I could get from that first place. Whatever, we'll get to a nicer place eventually and it'll probably have cooler things." She responded.

In response to her stare and eyebrow raise, Tomo does nothing but lower her finger in a mildly awkward manner. A stare wasn't really what she was expecting. "Wait, bug carcasses? What about them? They're just bugs." She asks mainly because she's never understood why the girls in her school were so freaked out by them.


menkheperatum June 17 2010, 02:38:09 UTC
What's a swimsuit? No that probably doesn't matter Atem decides as he overhears Tomo preparing to dive in. The young pharaoh had been strolling along the river's edge, stopping to flick the occasional stone into its torpid surface, reflecting on the current obstacle facing the caravan. He walks with his shoes off, feet skirting the surf. It's cold but that's a small price to pay for the comfort ( ... )


bonkuralead June 17 2010, 15:46:08 UTC
In complete contrast, Tomo is completely average. She's only been on a plane once and a beach nearly every summer of high school. She has no knowledge of the river, the things inside it, or the plants around it. The girl knows not of currents and the like because she either never paid attention when they were explained, or she just never cared enough to find out for herself. Overall she is clueless, and now surprised ( ... )


menkheperatum June 19 2010, 01:01:06 UTC
"So you say and yet here you are." After all, he couldn't care less about what that guy said considering his behavior from the very begining. Neither is the pharaoh prone to letting sentiments like fear and self preservation get in the way of his caprices and he supposes this girl lives her life on similar whims.

He takes a seat on a rock situated almost in the river itself, letting his feet dangle off it, idly stirring up the water. His attention is drawn by the fish Tomo mentions; he can't make it out clearly at this angle but metallic hues flash briefly from below the surfaces. If he sits still enough others like it draw near and he smiles. Fishing was a past time he quite enjoyed back home but that did not mean he failed to appreciate all nature around him.

"You are probably right about the depth, and that is to say nothing of the width. As for that little guy, if he intended to make a meal of your toes I believe he would have attempted it by now."


bonkuralead June 19 2010, 03:36:31 UTC
"Yeah well... Staying in that thing all the time would be so boring and this is the first time it's stopped. So there." She curls her hands into fists and puts them on her hips to seem more standoffish, only to drop the pose moments later in order to slosh her way to the shore. Most everything moves out of her way, though she tries not to step on anything. Stepping on something slimy, in this river and barefoot, would be disgusting to her.

After she gets to shore, she plops down on the ground a small way away from the rock he is sitting on. "I got tired of standing up," She says, "and I'm used to being right when I say things. So I'm pretty sure it was trying to eat my toes. It nibbled on them a few times. It was tasting me." She looks back at the river and then back at him.

"How do you know it's a he?" She inquires this before jumping to a more interesting conclusion. "Can you talk to fish?!" She seems excited by this prospect.


lutefisk June 18 2010, 05:38:53 UTC
Over the course of the past few days it'd been easy transitioning from what he'd reluctantly grown accustomed to and what he was facing now. Of course, there was the issue of personal space, and though he managed to avoid most unnecessary confrontations the cramped quarters of the Caravan wouldn't have been enough to placate him for long. In the end the sight of the river had been a relieving one, and so Norway took the opportunity to take in his surroundings while he was still able ( ... )


bonkuralead June 19 2010, 03:40:52 UTC
Tomo hasn't been out there very long and has already met three people, so another doesn't really surprise her. She doesn't try to chide this one on the fact that they aren't supposed to leave the Caravan because, like the others, he probably wouldn't care much. Still, his comment confuses her. "What do you mean improvise? With what? I didn't get anything like a swimsuit when I came here."

The fact that she is confused sort of annoys her. She's spent most of today confused at what people have been saying and she feels a little stupid now. Feeling stupid sucks pretty bad when it comes to Tomo.


lutefisk June 19 2010, 21:34:17 UTC
"A spare pair of clothes," Norway answered at the girl's inquiry. "Cutting down the excess will lighten the weight."

It was doubtful that this would be the only river they'd come across during their journey, and so preparing something similar to his suggestion may prove beneficial. If anything, there may come a point where they'd have to replenish their supplies on their own. Proper wear probably wouldn't take top priority in that scenario, but he supposed it could be used for other means as well.

"Tailoring your own is another choice."


bonkuralead June 20 2010, 01:29:00 UTC
"That sounds like a little too much effort." And a lot of wasted clothes too. Tomo isn't the most amazing person with a pair of scissors and she has no idea where she would even start to cut it. Not to mention the actual effort and attention span required to do it properly.

"And so does that. I don't know how to make clothes," She remarks, rolling her eyes. Who did this guy think she was? Some sort of seamstress? Ridiculous.


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