On the roadside (OPEN)

May 20, 2010 20:26

Characters: England + OPEN

Setting/Location: District 1, Sleepywoods

Date & Time: Todaaaay, Day 0, shortly after waking up in da morning

Warnings: Possible cussing? Bitty has a foul-mouth :x

Summary: kiddy!England's newly arrived, lost and doesn't understand the concept of computer technology, HALP?

(Dude, where's my unicorn?) )

sumire takahana, *day 00, amaterasu, denmark, #style: prose, england

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Comments 64

ex_kongerig May 20 2010, 19:47:13 UTC
Well, that was a familiar accent, all right, if not a familiar face. Oh, Denmark knew England, all right. He'd even had control of him years and years ago. Except he didn't remember the Brit being so...small. He'd know those eyebrows anywhere, though - that and blaming everything on France.

"Everything's Frankrig's fault to you," the taller nation said, with a laugh. "So yer here, too? I guess I've gotta admit it ain't a daydream, like that one girl on the...whatever they call it...said."

Denmark sat down next to England. "You're gonna be fine. If ya were older, I'd buy ya a pint, but as it is? You're just gonna have to get used to it, I guess."


wasoncealbion May 20 2010, 19:53:50 UTC
Those fuzzy eyebrows shot up almost into his cropped hair as green eyes widened. England whipped his head round, took a minute to take in the presence of the very tall nation sat next to him and comically tumbled in his scramble to get more distance between them.

He gaped and pointed a finger at Denmark, "H-hey what're you doing here, stupid viking!" He wasn't scared, not at all! Wasn't he doing good at sending vikings packing lately? "And of course it's all France's fault!" he paused.

"Unless it's yours! How many times do I have to say you can't have my island, s-so sod off!"


ex_kongerig May 21 2010, 21:47:59 UTC
"Hey. I'm not a -- "

On second thought, Denmark decided, he really couldn't say much about the 'Viking' part, because there was no way he was going to deny it. Arguing the 'stupid' part with a kid - even if it was England - was just...well, stupid.

"I'm doin' the same thing everyone else is. Trying to figure out what in the world we're all doing here. And hey, might be Østrig's fault. He's always acting like he knows everything."

He held up his hands then, laughing a little. "'s not my fault. I laid off. Eventually."


wasoncealbion May 21 2010, 21:59:27 UTC
England glared at him a moment, fingering his little bow as if he was debating putting one of the arrows in his quiver somewhere in Denmark. Serve him right if he did, always coming over and taking his things...

Except he wasn't dressed like he usually was, seemed to be lacking the weaponry as well. "Well..." he started, then paused again, trying to work it out. He wasn't the only nation brought here, there was Denmark as well, so maybe, "Well is he here?"


keytoanewworld May 20 2010, 19:49:22 UTC
To say Sumire was lost would have been an understatement. Waking up in a strange new land that probably wasn't even on Earth was disorienting enough, but the fact she hadn't seen a single familiar face since leaving the room she had woken up in was especially discouraging. Still, she didn't want to sit around doing nothing, and she clutched that strange device - the Junogam - tightly as she walked out of the inn.

She spotted the young boy at the side of the road and overheard him say something about France. "Um, I'm pretty sure we're not in France," she said to him.


wasoncealbion May 20 2010, 19:56:18 UTC
England raised his head and looked at her. "I know we're not in France." he stressed, "But it's probably his doing! He's probably round here somewhere right now." he blew out his cheeks with a huff, then regarded her more carefully.

"Who're you?"


keytoanewworld May 20 2010, 20:01:17 UTC
"Oh, you're talking about a person named France," Sumire replied. "Sorry for misunderstanding." She briefly wondered why a parent would name their child after a country, but that was hardly the strangest thing she had heard here.

She sat down next to the boy. "My name's Sumire," she introduced herself, bowing her head slightly. "Did you just wake up here too?"


wasoncealbion May 20 2010, 20:09:00 UTC
"No. France is France, but we're not in France, France is probably here though." he explained, poorly if he had thought about it, but such an idea was commonplace to him.

England watched the girl, she didn't looke like anyone he's ever met before. He got to his feet, purely because he was short enough already and didn't like that. "I'm England." he replied, then nodded.


worthpraise May 20 2010, 19:58:12 UTC
Amaterasu wasn't a unicorn by any stretch of the imagination. But still, she had to stop when she heard an outburst from a kid just sitting at the side of the road.

When she spotted his bow, she snorted, half in amusement and half in exasperation. Another kid out to prove himself? And having no better luck of it than Kokari, judging by his expression and blaming...whoever this "France" guy was.

This boy smelled nothing like her land, but she couldn't just leave a child here all by himself. So she trotted carefully over to him, the bell tied around her ankle chiming softly with each step. She sat down a few feet away, facing him, trying to decide exactly what to do next.

Well, why decide? People usually ended up asking - all she had to do was wait.


wasoncealbion May 20 2010, 20:02:19 UTC
He became aware he was being watched and when he looked up... England gasped.

It was a wolf, but not a wolf. The creature pinged those parts of him that were sensitive to magic, that recognised the fae and ghosts and all of that. He blinked at her.



worthpraise May 20 2010, 20:14:53 UTC
She sighed softly - but at herself, not him. She really had depended on Issun for communicating with people. This added a new wrinkle of difficulty. Though perhaps this was better right now - she wasn't sure the boy would appreciate Issun's often impatient way of dealing with people.

She nodded to him once, slowly, returning his greetings. And then tilted her head to the side, watching him curiously. Waiting was still the best option. He'd probably get to it, especially since he wasn't acting afraid of her.

(ooc: she has no way of telling who sees her/doesn't, so she doesn't realize that he's pinged!)


wasoncealbion May 20 2010, 20:20:45 UTC
England got to his feet. Seeing as how she hadn't attacked him and even nodded in reply she could obviously understand him. He slung his bow onto his back to show he meant no harm.

"I'm England." he said to her, "Who're you? Can you talk? I've seen fae who take the shape of wolves before, but you seem different from them."

[[Okay, I see. Also I squeed when she tagged this post, haha XD]]


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