[action] I will sing for crescent moon, dancing with the castanets

Jul 26, 2010 13:40

[Word of a small handful of new arrivals had reached Spin's ears along with the telling notes of confusion and panic. For a moment, Spin stands there in the street, a little lost in thought before walking toward some near secluded corner of Mac Anu ( Read more... )

(megaman) colonel, (okami) amaterasu, !action post, (megaman) megaman x, (elite beat agents) agent spin, (kingdom hearts) sora

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Comments 42

adhonorem July 26 2010, 23:52:14 UTC
(After the... rather interesting greeting he got from X and meeting his supposed "children" along with other people, Colonel is finally starting to settle and adjust to the idea of this place, this game. And despite the odd circumstances in which he finds himself, it is rather nice to have been given a second chance at life ( ... )


headphonerookie July 27 2010, 00:24:29 UTC
[It takes a few minutes, but the newcomer's beat stands out enough from the rest of the Music for Spin to realize he has an audience. He's going to dance a moment longer if the stranger didn't mind, but after finishing another set of steps, Spin slows and turns to smile.]


[He says this as he's gently bobbing from one foot to the other.]


adhonorem July 27 2010, 00:32:47 UTC
(Oh, he's been noticed. Colonel inclines his head politely to the other, restraining his own urge to move to the unheard beat.)

Greetings. I hope I'm not disturbing you.


headphonerookie July 27 2010, 00:40:41 UTC
[Spin shakes his head.]

Nope. I'm a Macabre Dancer, so dancing's kinda my thing. I wouldn't be a very good one if I couldn't dance in front of others, huh?

[Yes, he's using that as his excuse as for what's happening. He's not doing anything. If there's anything happening, it's the class that making it happen.]

I'm Spin.


crasherpacifist July 29 2010, 05:47:57 UTC
[X, doing a bit of wandering himself to try and get his thoughts in order, comes upon Spin dancing and pauses to watch. While he doesn't feel any lighter, persay, the dancing does relax him somewhat; something simple yet, at the moment, desperately, desperately needed.

So the brown haired male remains still, simply watching the agent silently in an attempt not to disturb him.]


So med's not taking affect as quick as I thought... headphonerookie July 29 2010, 06:40:13 UTC
[The arrival of the somber melody jars against what Spin had been working with causing him to miss a few steps. He picks up the beat again and continues; an Agent has to adapt to changes. But... he's heard that tune before; it's not from someone new... That tune belongs to X!]

[Spin twirls to face X, trying to keep most of his stunned state out of his voice and expression and manages to do so. Mostly.]

... X, hi.

[Spin has also stopped dancing but keeps a foot tapping to a beat, mostly to help himself think. His previous dancing wouldn't give the needed effect to help X, but that won't stop Spin from trying to find a way to help out. What happened?]


It takes me forever and first draft doesn't even make sense. Sigh. crasherpacifist July 30 2010, 04:21:05 UTC
[X notices the misstep and blinks, but if he didn't think it was his fault before, the stunned reply from Spin, however mostly hidden, does so now. Though he wonders exactly why he startled the other... too loud?

Either way, the Agent gets a tired smile.]

Hello. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude.


headphonerookie July 30 2010, 04:39:59 UTC
[X is being "too loud" in a sense, mainly that his melody is screaming that's something's wrong.]

No, it's fine. I am dancing in the street.


Did... something happen? You look down.


illuminatism July 29 2010, 21:31:07 UTC
[Amaterasu was familiar with dancing, though whenever she had taken to viewing people doing such things it was either in celebration or some other reason like that. She had seen demons having a small party, singing and dancing around a campfire, and even witnessed Mr. Orange's dance to bring Konohana back to full bloom ( ... )


headphonerookie July 29 2010, 22:49:59 UTC
[It seems that in an area such as Mac Anu, the Agent's dancing isn't achieving exactly what he wants. People are relaxing and calming, but they aren't going about their business. They're coming to him... which can be a security risk to the EBA if people became aware that something happens while he dances. Perhaps he can find an area inside one of the buildings?]

[The addition of the soft melody escapes his attention at first, but its lingering presence tells Spin that he has an audience one more. He notices that a woman with ears and a tail has sat down to watch, so he dances a little longer before stopping.]

Hello. Did you like the dance?


illuminatism July 30 2010, 00:51:50 UTC
[She gives him a soft smile when attention shifts from the dancing to her presence instead. She hadn't meant to take his focus away from what he had been doing before stopping and her expression seems to reflect that thought. But to his question she gives a nod.]


[Oh, yes, she had enjoyed the dance very much.]


headphonerookie July 30 2010, 01:54:05 UTC
[A person a few words maybe? Spin's used to a few of those within his own family. He smiles back brightly and laughs.]

Glad you liked it. And who do I have in the audience today?

[... It sounded cool to him.]

[And if she wants to watch him some more, well, he can start dancing again. It's new to him (the EBA aren't usually watched) but not all that bad either, as long as stage fright doesn't creep up on him.]


unlockingsmiles July 30 2010, 00:06:04 UTC
[It's a little while before Sora walks by, whistling and seeming completely unfocused on both his destination and the people around him. Nothing, for the moment, is really bothering him - as usual, he's pretty cheerful already. But still, he notices that he suddenly feels a little bit...lighter. Anything that could have been bugging him seems much less important, now.

Eventually, he notices the dancing man off in a corner. For a minute, he just stares with an expression of bewilderment and curiosity. It's not every day you see a man dancing with no music, after all.]

...Hey. What're you dancing to?


headphonerookie July 30 2010, 01:28:13 UTC
[Spin's trying out a slightly different set of steps. The Music is guiding him to more sweeping motions and spins, and he feels like he should be holding something in his hands, not just one like with his microphone. Perhaps his fans? But he's in the city.]

[The cheerful melody and question breaks into his thoughts, and Spin stops dancing. The rookie reaches up for his headphones... to find that they are still not on his head. He's only level 13. Okay, next excuse.]

A song in my head.

[Technically, it is the truth.]


unlockingsmiles July 30 2010, 04:23:07 UTC
Really? Woah! The way you were dancing, I thought you were hearing something.

You must have a good memory, huh?


headphonerookie July 30 2010, 04:35:28 UTC
[Spin laughs.]

Well, don't you have a favorite song or two? It's hard to forget those.


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