[action] I will sing for crescent moon, dancing with the castanets

Jul 26, 2010 13:40

[Word of a small handful of new arrivals had reached Spin's ears along with the telling notes of confusion and panic. For a moment, Spin stands there in the street, a little lost in thought before walking toward some near secluded corner of Mac Anu ( Read more... )

(megaman) colonel, (okami) amaterasu, !action post, (megaman) megaman x, (elite beat agents) agent spin, (kingdom hearts) sora

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adhonorem July 26 2010, 23:52:14 UTC
(After the... rather interesting greeting he got from X and meeting his supposed "children" along with other people, Colonel is finally starting to settle and adjust to the idea of this place, this game. And despite the odd circumstances in which he finds himself, it is rather nice to have been given a second chance at life.

But even though most of the confusion regarding the new situation had died down, there are still a few things bothering the Colonel, all of them relating to his sister Iris.

There's guilt, after having heard from X that she had died during the Repliforce Wars, as well as an empty feeling; they were two halves of a whole, after all, so to be without his sister leaves Colonel with a feeling of being incomplete. Nothing can seem to abate it, either.

Until he wanders past a certain section in Mac Anu. Suddenly he feels a little calmer, a little happier, and he blinks at the subtle but sudden change in himself. Eventually his gaze comes to rest on a young man dancing to unheard music, stops to watch for a while. A faint smile curls his lips the longer he watches, something he doesn't even realize.)


headphonerookie July 27 2010, 00:24:29 UTC
[It takes a few minutes, but the newcomer's beat stands out enough from the rest of the Music for Spin to realize he has an audience. He's going to dance a moment longer if the stranger didn't mind, but after finishing another set of steps, Spin slows and turns to smile.]


[He says this as he's gently bobbing from one foot to the other.]


adhonorem July 27 2010, 00:32:47 UTC
(Oh, he's been noticed. Colonel inclines his head politely to the other, restraining his own urge to move to the unheard beat.)

Greetings. I hope I'm not disturbing you.


headphonerookie July 27 2010, 00:40:41 UTC
[Spin shakes his head.]

Nope. I'm a Macabre Dancer, so dancing's kinda my thing. I wouldn't be a very good one if I couldn't dance in front of others, huh?

[Yes, he's using that as his excuse as for what's happening. He's not doing anything. If there's anything happening, it's the class that making it happen.]

I'm Spin.


adhonorem July 27 2010, 00:49:59 UTC
I suppose you're right about that. (He doesn't know too many details about the individual classes, but considering it has 'dancer' right in the title...

And hey, Colonel doesn't seem to suspect Spin of anything, so as far as things go the excuse works on him just fine.)

Colonel. It's a pleasure to meet you, Spin. Have you been here long?

(Asking that gives him away as a newbie, not that Colonel has problems with admitting it.)


headphonerookie July 27 2010, 01:12:52 UTC
Hello, Colonel. It's nice to meet you too.

I... [thinking...] I've been here a little over a month and a half I think. Since the twelfth of last month according to the Relic.


adhonorem July 27 2010, 04:03:53 UTC
You seem to have adjusted well to the place, at least. As well as your class. (He has to admit, the dancing was enjoyable to watch.)


headphonerookie July 27 2010, 04:23:39 UTC
It... took me a while to, but I've figured what I can do here. Or try to do at least. I've had help.

[Spin laughs, slightly embarrassed, and cups his ear, where headphones should be.]

What class are you?


adhonorem July 27 2010, 04:33:33 UTC
That's never a bad thing. New things just take time.

Mm? Ah, I'm a Blade Brandier. (He pats the sword sheathed at his side.)


headphonerookie July 27 2010, 04:50:03 UTC
That's true. Sometimes it takes a while to learn the steps. [Though Spin's a little impatient when it comes to himself, so there can be a lot of frustration on that side at times...]

It sounds like someone's given you the basics of this place already.


adhonorem July 27 2010, 17:14:08 UTC
(He can't help a soft chuckle at that.) An appropriate way to put it.

Yes, enough to get me started to figuring the rest out on my own, at least. It doesn't seem overly complicated thankfully enough.


headphonerookie July 27 2010, 19:15:13 UTC
Well, if there's ever anything you need, look for someone from the Canard guild. Silabus got it started to help new arrivals. I'm part of it.

[Spin shifts his weight from one foot to the next and listens to Colonel's melody.]

So, are you exploring the city right now or just going out for a walk?

[He sounds okay at the moment, so hopefully Spin's dancing helped a little.]


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