Everyone's doing it, why not you?

Sep 08, 2009 00:18

So, of course fandom is shitting their pants at the newest bullshit going down about Jaebeom leaving 2PM. Now, since he is my favorite member, and my loyalty and bias instincts are kicking me in the crotch over this, I'm not the happiest camper. So I figured I'd post about it too, because why the hell not ( Read more... )

korea, why god why, oh for fucks sake, rl, omfg, bias bias bias rocking everywhere, ramblings, fandom: 2pm, kpop, fl

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Comments 17

schm0use September 8 2009, 05:50:19 UTC
i am hoping, hoping, HOPING that he's not leaving, especially since, LEADER-SSI, ACK, NO.

we'll wait till we have more details... this all just seems way to sudden and out of no-fucking-where.


holykeebler216 September 8 2009, 05:59:08 UTC
he's the leader, what are they gonna do? put jokwon in as a substitute? yeah, we'll see how THAT works out.

besides, 2PM has their album coming out, no doubt with jae ALL over it, even though it's on hold. plus, JYP didn't want to kick him out in the first place, so it's not like that's the problem. idk. i don't buy it. not yet.


loveslipped September 8 2009, 05:55:51 UTC
I like that you're not going all crazy over it ♥
everyone else I know is


holykeebler216 September 8 2009, 06:00:13 UTC
yeah, seriously

it's kind of taxing, i keep having to put up with people and i'm like -___'-


prototypic September 8 2009, 11:20:12 UTC
iawtp so hard.

i'm looking at almost my entire f-list(communities included) freak the fuck out and i'm over there rolling my eyes. because even though i'm not a big fan of 2pm, like you said, this isn't the fucking apocalypse. some people aren't even the fans and they're like, going - 'i'm not a fan but this is making me cry'. oh, wow. if stuff like that gets someone to cry... your future is going to be really, really hard.


holykeebler216 September 8 2009, 15:08:04 UTC
well, you know Korea. waterworks all around.


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holykeebler216 September 8 2009, 15:11:37 UTC
I don't think he's giving up, I really don't believe that. I mean here he is under all this stress and spotlight and pressure and he probably can't open the window or leave the dorm, people are probably smushed against the doors and surrounding streets day and night, and he has a choice to either go home and get away for a little while, clear his head, or stay here and pretend to be brave.

I'd be scared shitless too, wouldn't you? After just offending an entire country over something you have to own up to...I can't even own up to not doing my homework sometimes, or getting a bad grade on a test. I couldn't handle it either.

I don't know his situation, I'm not going to judge his actions. I'm continuing to support him, because if we give out hope on him, it's just another blow to him of people turning their backs.


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holykeebler216 September 9 2009, 22:29:50 UTC
A lot of people have committed suicide from online bashing, it's just as bad as real life :/ and apparently now they have petitions.

I know his situation isn't as bad as some, but it had the potential to grow, with the whole "...Korea" thing. I'd bone out too if I realized an entire country (and a very proud country) is now aware and broadcasting that I called them "gay" or something. Scaaaary.

I don't think he's gone for good, I really think this is going to be a break and he'll be reinstated. And if he did get tired of the Korean industry, I could understand. It's a hard road and you can never tell for sure how hard it'll be until you're smack dab in the middle of it.

But I hope he comes back♥


renichifreak September 8 2009, 16:28:08 UTC
What the FUCK...the situation is bad enough without people antagonizing YOU into an overreaction...My friend is currently trying her damnedest not to cry...but you don't see me trying to make it happen......

I know that if someone left SuJu or DBSK, I'd go completely apeshit.

I'm not a big fan of 2pm...hell, before yesterday, I don't really think I knew which one Jae WAS...but they're a group with amazing talent and I hope everything works out for them.

I think you should kick all the people forcing reactions from you in the balls and see how they react...

EDIT: I think I agree with you on a lot of this...we're expected to act a certain way, and if we don't, then people think we don't care...it's fucking aggravating to have to watch what I say since I don't wanna offend the person who will call me on it if I say the wrong thing...


holykeebler216 September 9 2009, 22:22:39 UTC
I know right >:(

I'm a very cheery, happy, optimistic person most of the time, but I also get very homesick, and serious when I like to think, and I am quite prone to loneliness (not in the boy sense), and my roommate came in yesterday when I wasn't being chipper, and after I said I was fine she basically said that she thought I was always happy, all the time, 24/7.

I was like....um. Wow, what an assumption. And I'm the good girl but I can crack dirty jokes, but everyone looks at me like I grew an extra head. Sometimes I hate people's perception of me.


renichifreak September 9 2009, 22:40:11 UTC
Same here...for awhile, I was having serious depression issues and I couldn't figure out why...people were able to tell and were all, "OMG what's wrong?! Why aren't you happy?!?!"

I have Seasonal Affective Disorder...I CAN'T be happy all the time...my brain won't let me...

People need to understand shit like that...


holykeebler216 September 19 2009, 09:12:06 UTC
i know, its so irritating. It's like just because we're bubbly people, suddenly we're never allowed to be sad, ever. YOU MUST SMILE. YOU MUST BE HAPPY. NOTHING IS EVER WRONG IN YOUR LIFE.

i hate it


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