Everyone's doing it, why not you?

Sep 08, 2009 00:18

So, of course fandom is shitting their pants at the newest bullshit going down about Jaebeom leaving 2PM. Now, since he is my favorite member, and my loyalty and bias instincts are kicking me in the crotch over this, I'm not the happiest camper. So I figured I'd post about it too, because why the hell not.

I am annoyed.

Yeah, I'm annoyed about the whole leaving thing, but I'm also skeptical, and hoping that this is a hold-out, suspension, whatever, so that Hottest will cause a nuclear explosion that will inevitably force them to bring him back, or risk the semi-crippling of JYP. For this generation, the biggest groups JYP has is Wonder Girls and 2PM, I don't care what you say, that's what it is. They know what they're fuckin' with.

Hint: It's called money.

But most of all, I am annoyed at my friends, because I'm not acting the way they want me to act (loveslipped excluded, because she isn't a doucheface)

I am being bombarded with messages telling me that Jaebeom's leaving, and I can practically smell, taste, and hear the hidden glee behind it. Not malice that he's leaving, but the primal instinct to want to see me freak the fuck out like the fangirl they know I am.

In short: the kpop friends I have (minus BFAF of course) are drama whores with chlamydia.

So of course, with news as big as this, they are just waiting to see little Jessica go ape shit, and I'm not playing along.


Because acting like I don't care is my way of defending myself. I'm not blind enough to pretend this isn't what I'm doing -- of course it is, why else would I pile on layers and layers of apathetic goodness over the sickening, heart-wrenching, crushing feeling of my stomach bottoming out in a silent "no...."?

Dramatic? Yes. But I really, really like 2PM, and I really, really like Jaebeom. Sue me.

Anyways, they instantly throw every arsenal they have at me when I refuse to play the game, and then when I still act like a cold, skeptical bitch, they get snappy and bitchy with me. It's all so irritating. I'm not your little entertainment puppet, I'm not here to overreact at every tantalizing scrap of news you find the pleasure in throwing my way. I'll find out eventually, chill the fuck out and leave me alone.

Then, as if that isn't enough, another friend of mine doing the exact same thing tries to get me to comment on the people doing this to Jaebeom. I know she wants me to go on a hate-filled tirade about how they should all go diaf (which, btw, they should), and I'm not going to give the neitzens nor her the satisfaction of getting to me. I'm just not going to do it. I'm grieving, fuck off, I'm not going to let you watch with your bag of popcorn.

And as I continuously insist that there's no way this is going down without a proper fight, I know it's irrational and stupid hope (and let's be honest, Hottest is fairly new to the whole "fuck over your favorite idol" game and may not know how to fight fire with fire, like the crazies at Cassiopeia do which pretty much involves swearing on your dead mother's grave that you will bankrupt them so fast as you raze that building to the ground and chop off their balls), but it's what I do. I close up, and I act like it isn't that big of a deal. Do I want to see Jaebeom leave? No. Am I concerned about 2PM? Absolutely. Am I devastated to hear the news and am I worried about him leaving for America? Yes, of course.

Do I show it?

Fuck no.

And if my "friends" have a problem with that, they can suck my fat toe because I don't give a shit what they want to see from me, this ain't no free show. The only ones with a ticket to the showing are schm0use and Jae himself.

And to be completely honest: yes, I do really have tatters of hope that Jaebeom is not gone for good, because Korea may be proud but they are also extremely fickle.

And I am annoyed, because as much as I love Jaebeom, this is not the fucking apocalypse.

Jesus Christ.

EDIT: So I just want to clear up some misconceptions about my post to anyone else who might read it. I fully and whole-heartedly support all the fans who are causing an uproar about it. I am not telling them to shut up, I am not saying they are overreacting, because I know how I would be if someone were to leave Super Junior (and I mean leave, not dick around like Kibum has). How else are they supposed to show their love, support, disappointment, and commitment to getting Jae back? It's what fans do. Their arsenal is the strength of their voices when they come together to show what they want. I am not in any way disapproving of this. I myself signed the petition for overseas fans, because I watched it grow from 12,000 last night to 16,000 this morning. It probably won't have an impact, but if you don't try, then surely nothing will happen. You don't know what power you have until you do.

What I am upset about, is the way my personal friends are acting. They are specifically antagonizing me to try and see my overreaction, and I am refusing to give them a show. This stems from a few years of people demanding that I "entertain" them when they're bored. That is what I am upset about.

And when I say "[it's] not the fucking apocalypse", well, it isn't, but that doesn't mean you can't act like it. Any korean star resigning from entertainment with their particular affiliation is a hard blow to everyone around, and a wake-up call that sometimes you can't protect them and for some Hottest, for whom 2PM is their favorite group, this is their world crashing down. So give them a break. I support them, and a lot of me is with them in that feeling.

As for the news of Jaebeom at the airport -- I'm happy he gets to go back to Seattle to be with his friends and family. Perhaps this is so he can get advice, guidance, a break, away from Korean cameras, etc. Note that there is no official statement from JYP as to the future of Jaebeom's entertainment career in 2PM.

korea, why god why, oh for fucks sake, rl, omfg, bias bias bias rocking everywhere, ramblings, fandom: 2pm, kpop, fl

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