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Comments 39

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holyfant May 15 2012, 16:27:06 UTC
If there's something wrong with you, there's something wrong with me, as well - when I'm feeling blue I love watching movies that rip my heart out or read stories that make me cry and feel like nothing is fair and everything is wrong (or even better, write that sort of thing myself). I hope it helped a little. <3

(hey, you know you can PM me if you want to talk, right?)


mazarin221b May 15 2012, 19:32:44 UTC
Oh, I like this, very much. A painful, yet honest, possibility. Your writing is quite lovely, lyrical and emotional but not sappy. Well done.


holyfant May 15 2012, 23:41:04 UTC
Thank you very much :)


sariagray May 15 2012, 21:31:06 UTC
I may come back to do a longer comment later (I am about to head out to dinner now), but...this. This was so brilliant. I feel like you're going to be hearing that from me a lot in the coming (insert lengeth of time here).

I think you got the recovery/withdrawal down - I've watched a family member go through it, and while their's was a rougher detox, they'd been an alcoholic for decades. This felt right to me.

I see what you did there with language, too, and I loved it. Especially with the addition of alcohol, which muddles language so much - makes it easier to get out (although perhaps in the incorrect order), yet more difficult to comprehend.

Absolutely lovely!


holyfant May 15 2012, 23:43:18 UTC
It means a great deal to me that you say the withdrawal is somewhat realistic; with all of my love for tackling difficult themes, I actually don't have any real experience in most of them, and I worry sometimes about treating things with the appropriate gravity. So, I'm glad you say it feels right. :)

Thanks so much for the lovely comment <3 hope you had a great dinner!


Lovely! anonymous May 15 2012, 23:05:52 UTC
This is wonderful, as usual. Thank you for not romanticizing the alcoholism/withdrawal; I am not an addict myself, but it really bugs me when people just use it as a plot device for moving along a relationship. Also, if I may make a petition: have you considered posting fics and updates on your Tumblr? Because that would be kinda awesome (I feel lame constantly refreshing your LJ). And finally, I am seriously looking forward to the next chapter of Fabric, because it is awesome and brilliant and every time you post a new chapter I become absurdly happy. Thank you!


Re: Lovely! holyfant May 15 2012, 23:48:12 UTC
Yeah, romanticising things like rape or addiction for the sake of plot or romance isn't really my thing. If I ever were to do it I hope people would call me on it. I hate to see it happen and I try not to do it myself. Glad it works for you :)

Re: tumblr - I guess I could do that! Hadn't even really crossed my mind, lol. I have no clue who's following me and if any (apart from the people I know are on my flist) of them know me on LJ. I'm still figuring the whole tumblr thing out, but posting fic updates shouldn't be too hard, right? :p /technology failure

Thanks so much for reading and commenting!


Re: Lovely! anonymous May 16 2012, 00:03:08 UTC
Well, I know you have fans on Tumblr, so posting your fics couldn't hurt your following! A lot of other authors post links to their fics and new chapters as well (greywash, verityburns, what_alchemy, etc.), which makes it easier for me to immediately gobble up everything they produce :).


Re: Lovely! holyfant May 16 2012, 06:26:26 UTC
I'll try to figure it out once all of my monstrous schoolwork is finished :)


drinkingcocoa May 16 2012, 04:51:55 UTC
I like the blankets in this story, the blanket of pain in the first part especially. How strange that they call each other "war" instead of "love," related to gravity working up rather than down.

This story went right into me as if it were water and my skin were permeable to it. Too sleepy to say more except that it was something I needed today.


holyfant May 16 2012, 06:27:15 UTC
I'm glad you liked it :) Hope you managed to get a good sleep. <3


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