vid for gardnerhill: Something Good (Will Come From That)

Jun 12, 2016 12:00

Title: Something Good (Will Come From That)
Recipient: gardnerhill
Author: sanguinity
Characters/Pairings: Holmes & Watson; Holmes/Watson
Rating: General
Summary: One hundred years of moving pictures about Holmes and Watson.
Author Notes:

My deepest thanks to my collaborator and source-monkey, k_e_p, without whom this would have required twice the work and been half as ( Read more... )

source: asylum holmes, source: granada, source: new russian holmes, source: ritchie movie, source: multi, source: sherlock hound, pairing: holmes/watson, source: elementary, source: russian holmes, source: private life of sherlock holmes, source: 1954 howard holmes, source: bbc, source: rathbone films, source: sherlock holmes and the 22nd cen, source: my dearly beloved detective, 2016: gift: vid

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Comments 46

swissmarg June 12 2016, 19:23:38 UTC
That was incredible!! Wow, I can't believe you tracked down all of these and found all the matching scenes and themes and bits. So much work! And it all comes together so well. I'm a bit bowled over by it all. Especially fun: the last little breathless bit, hehehe, wink wink nod nod...


sanguinity June 24 2016, 23:19:44 UTC
Thank you!

k_e_p and I have been backburnering this vid idea for a while now, brainstorming and watching stuff and taking notes, so I had a deep stack of references to draw from when it came to actually building the vid itself. That helped enormously, in terms of workload: there's relatively few clips that we had to explicitly hunt out a match for.

And I am exceedingly pleased to know that it came together well. By rights, it ought to have been a great chaotic mess, given all the kinds of things that went into it, but I guess that's the upside of having so much source to draw from: you can be picky about finessing your visual matches, if you want to. :-)

Heh, that last breathless voiceover doesn't sound anywhere near that racy in context, but I laughed heartily when I realized what it was going to sound like after three minutes of relentless mental priming. I'm glad you thought it was fun, too. :-D


rachelindeed June 12 2016, 20:16:21 UTC
That. Was. Incredible. I seriously cannot imagine how much work must have gone into finding all those wonderful scenes and snippets. The result is such a charming, joyful thing! So much love and thought and unrepentant weirdness and sincere heart have been poured into these characters in so many times and places. I can't imagine a better tribute to the many faces of Holmesiana! I LOVED THIS. Thanks for the Force balancing, it was gorgeous <3


sanguinity June 24 2016, 23:28:00 UTC
Well, k_e_p and I have been backburnering this idea for a while, brainstorming and watching things and taking notes, which helped considerably. :-)

:: So much love and thought and unrepentant weirdness and sincere heart have been poured into these characters in so many times and places. ::

YES. That was exactly what we were hoping to show off, the heart and weirdness and joy, and I'm delighted it came through so clearly. Thank you for your kind words; I'm very glad you enjoyed it. <3


methylviolet10b June 12 2016, 20:29:16 UTC
OMG!!! This is so brilliant, I'm practically speechless. Mystery creator, you are a GENIUS!!!


sanguinity June 24 2016, 23:31:29 UTC
Aw, thank you!

And look at you, with your lovely and fitting Sherlock Hemlock icon! I looked at a number of Sherlock Hemlock clips, but never found one that was striking enough to carry its own weight in the vid. Which is a shame. However, the list of things that I didn't get into the vid is long, long, looooong... :-)


methylviolet10b June 25 2016, 05:28:42 UTC
Heh - I'm not surprised that you couldn't find a good Sherlock Hemlock clip, as he was a very minor Muppet character, AND you found SO MUCH AMAZING STUFF from so many incarnations. I'm still awed at how you managed to fit so many adaptations in and do it so thematically, seamlessly, and movingly. Brava!


sanguinity June 25 2016, 14:55:01 UTC
Oh, minor in Sesame Street terms, sure, but the show has been running for decades: it still amounts to a couple-dozen segments, far more footage than some things in the vid. (For comparison, the book-trailer for Study in Charlotte is two and a half minutes long; the trailer for the Brazillian play 221B Baker Street is similarly scant. 221B Baker Towers doesn't have any source material; it's all fancasting from other films and such.) The bigger challenges with Sherlock Hemlock was how often he didn't have a Watson, how low-quality a lot of the available source is, and how affectless puppets tend to be when you remove the soundtrack.

And thank you! There were actually two of us looking for stuff for the vid: k_e_p watched a ton of stuff for me, making notes about where the good moments were. And it helped considerably that all of these adapts are drawing on the same source material, however loosely some might be doing it: they collectively spend a decent chunk of time on cross-talk, homages to each other, and their own reinterpretations of ( ... )


gardnerhill June 12 2016, 20:44:25 UTC
OMG ALL THE FUCKING AWARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

...So. SO. Perfect. Where to start with how perfect this is? I can only grasp at the ones that just stand out from all the rest of the wonderfulness:

* Wishbone.
* Veggie Tales (Exactly at the moment I gaped and said, "Well, this one has everything but the Veggie Tales!")
* The voice-over at the end from the Clive Merrison/Michael Williams BBC Radio.
* The segue from Ian McKellen watching the grown-up Nicholas Rowe as the silent-film young Nicholas Rowe as Young Sherlock Holmes.
* Seven Percent Solution
* ALL the Russian versions including My Dearly Beloved Detective

I am almost in tears at how beautiful this is. (And yes, you're forgiven for including BBC Sherlock in the mix!) And it is so wonderful and so needed after the horrific way this day started. It is joyful and loving and oh I can't.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


sanguinity June 25 2016, 00:02:27 UTC
Heh, I wish I'd managed to smash in there everything you've written (Duck-tective! Strange Case of the End of Civilisation!), but if it managed to feel like everything was in there, then I am well-satisfied. :-D

And I'm very, very pleased that you enjoyed it so well, and that it could give comfort on such a terrible day. Watching the comments come in that afternoon helped me, too. Joy shared and shared back again: it's not a small thing.

You are very welcome, and thank you for the big, lovely, open, free space you left for me to make a thing for you!


scfrankles June 12 2016, 21:20:10 UTC
Like everyone else, I'm just overwhelmed by the amount of work that must have gone into this. But the end result seems effortlessly flawless - one scene perfectly flowing into the next, and the clips matching the lyrics without ever seeming too on the nose.

I'll pinch a word used elsewhere: joyful is the perfect description for the vid. And it's so witty too - I particularly loved the dancing section.

Seeing these two characters being reinterpreted over and over again is like seeing the bigger picture. We may individually prefer different versions but in the end they're all Holmes and Watson, and they're all part of a continuous line that will carry on indefinitely into the future - and continue to bring people together.


sanguinity June 25 2016, 01:25:43 UTC
Oo, 'effortlessly flawless'! And 'joyful,' and 'witty'... You say the nicest things.

And yes, your big-picture view is absolutely one of the things that I hoped to convey, the way they're all Holmes and Watson (except I would say radiating fan, instead of continuous line, because there's so much temporal overlap and cross-talk between them), and the joys in one often have points of overlap with another--

--and I'm not super-good with words about this, because I've been vidding it, instead of talking it, but yes, that's what I wanted to put out there. My joy in that great big Holmes-and-Watson-y mess of stuff, and invite other people to share it, too. :-D

Thank you, and I'm glad to know you liked it so well!


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