Index--Links, Fiction: Fanfiction--Star Trek IV

Apr 05, 2010 10:06

Fiction: Fanfiction--Star Trek, continued
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Title/Prompt: To punish or get back a Mirror!Kirk, Mirror!McCoy is kidnapped from the Enterprise. Conventional wisdom is that McCoy is a weak link; most everyone thinks that he is just Kirk's pet doctor and occasional sexual plaything. Kirk's subdued reaction to the kidnapping seems to bear this out. But Kirk knows that Bones is a badass and will be able to save himself in a short period of time, he actually has a bet with himself about how long it will take for his Bones to get back to him (and really why anyone would think that Kirk would have a long term relationship with someone not kick ass he just doesn't understand). Besides if Bones takes too long then Kirk will actually have to go get him.
Warnings: Mirrorverse

Title/Prompt: It's an open secret that the women and men who sleep with Captain Kirk tend to end up dead in all manner of "accidents". The Captain may have his needs, but Bones doesn't like to share. And while he may not be able to claim Jim as he would like, the people who touch Jim who aren't him well they can die.
Warnings: Mirrorverse, Slash

Title/Prompt: Most don't think that Mirror!McCoy is any kind of equal partner to Mirror!Kirk, the longevity of their relationship (Kirk does seem to get bored easily) not withstanding. So when the Enterprise encounters a race of aliens that want to keep Kirk and will only release him if his "mate"/"consort" wins in [naked] armed combat (between one or more challengers)- everyone believes that they and Kirk are screwed. Until they watch Bones just wipe the floor with all comers. Bonus points - After the fight, Kirk walks into the ring where McCoy is naked, covered in blood, and still holding whatever blood-covered weapon he was using, and Bones just slides to his knees in Kirk's presence nuzzling his hand or crotch.
Warnings: Mirrorverse, See prompt

Misc. Fic
Prompt: In a jail cell on Raxacoricofallapatorius Centaurus.
Warnings: None

Prompt: Bones: Lose your shirt more on away missions.(Jim and the crew really wanted this one)
Warnings: Language

Title: Escape Tactics 100
Warnings: Slash, Language

Title/Prompt: With a dashing hero like me on the case, how can we fail?
Warnings: None

Prompt: I've been trying to impress my roommate with my awesome smarts because I'm worried he thinks I'm shallow. Tonight, I couldn't get the toaster to work. He came along, unplugged the blender, plugged in the toaster, and patted me on the head. FML.
Warnings: Slash

Title/Prompt: Five Times Members of the Enterprise Crew Lied to Their Captain (For His Own Good) and One Times Someone Told Kirk the Truth (And He Kind of Wished He Hadn't Been Told)
Warnings: Nothing major

Title/Prompt: Kirk/McCoy - 5 times McCoy was treated like Kirk's consort/husband and how much he really hated what he had to wear because of it.
Warnings: Slash, Language

Title/Prompt: Everyone knows that Bones/Kirk are in a relationship, but they aren't suppose to know and the captain and the doctor believe they have done a good job, keeping everyone in the dark. Follow that? Cue a new crew member coming on board and not knowing the situation, they begin to flirt with McCoy, resulting in someone (Scotty or Spock or whoever) pulling them aside and explaining the worst kept secret on The Enterprise.
Warnings: See prompt

++fanfiction, media: star trek, +mod, ++links, +index

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